


I've tried finding an answer to this both online and in my own set of knowledge, but I cannot seem to find a definitive, clear answer.

假设我只使用另一个包中的一个类,并且只需要导入一次,例如 myPack.anotherPackage.ClassName.

Suppose I'm using only one class from another package only once which needs to be imported, say myPack.anotherPackage.ClassName.

使用 import 语句 之间有什么区别(如果有):

What is the difference, if any, between using an import statement:

import myPack.anotherPackage.ClassName;


versus using a fully qualified name:

myPack.anotherpackage.ClassName classInst = new myPack.anotherpackage.ClassName();


显然这个问题只适用于 ClassName 只使用一次的情况.

Obviously this question only applies if ClassName is only used once.


Import statements 让你的代码更可读,因为你不是用完整的包来弄乱代码.

Import statements make your code more readable, since you are not cluttering the code with the complete package.

如果ClassNames 存在冲突,那么只有在这种情况下才建议使用完全限定名称.

In case if there is a conflict of ClassNames, then only in that case it is advisable to go for fully qualified names.


08-21 18:56