

本文介绍了我如何填充依赖于全局 jQuery & 的非 CommonJS、非 AMD 包洛达什?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我第一次使用 jspm 已经遇到了障碍.

I am using jspm for the first time and already ran into a snag.

我需要弄清楚如何填充"我们公司私有 npm 注册表中的专有脚本.

I need to figure out how to "shim" a proprietary script which lives on our company's private npm registry.


  • 驻留在私有 npm 注册表中
  • 不是CommonJS、UMD/AMD 模块
  • 依赖于 lodashjquery,但假设它们存在于全局范围内
  • 在全局范围内公开Widget
  • Resides on private npm registry
  • Is not a CommonJS, UMD/AMD module
  • Depends on lodash and jquery, but assumes they exist on global scope
  • Exposes Widget on the global scope


var Widget = {
  render: function(el, symbol) {
    symbol = _.trim(symbol);


var widget = require("Widget");
widget.render(document.getElementById("name"), " Fred ");


  <div id="name"></div>

  <script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
  <script src="config.js"></script>

当我在本地 Web 服务器中运行此页面时,出现错误:

When I run this page in a local web server, I get an error:

未捕获的引用:_ 未定义

如何为 widget 提供垫片"?

How can I provide a "shim" for widget?


你最好的办法是,如果你可以更新 Widget 包的 package.json,你就可以告诉 JSPM 它需要一个垫片:

Your best bet is that if you can update the package.json for the Widget package you can tell JSPM it needs a shim there:

  "shim": {
    "widget": { "deps": ["jquery", "lodash"] }


(Where "widget" is the module name inside the package.)


If for some reason you can't directly touch that npm package, then you can override the shim information when you jspm install it:

jspm install widget -o "{ shim: { 'widget': { deps: ['jquery', 'lodash'] } } }"

(同样,其中 'widget' 是模块名称,作为包本身内部的本地名称.)

(Again, where 'widget' is the module name, as local to inside the package itself.)

这篇关于我如何填充依赖于全局 jQuery &amp; 的非 CommonJS、非 AMD 包洛达什?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 05:25