

我正在构建一个npm软件包,该软件包将从项目根目录接收自定义规则-类似于prettier在项目根目录中查找 .prettierrc 的方式.

I am building an npm package that will take in custom rules from the project root - similar to the way prettier looks for a .prettierrc in the project root.


In my package I am using webpack to compile the build. My app uses react, which I am pulling in externally so that the package is retrieved at runtime instead of being bundled at build time.



    module.exports = {
  entry: "./src/index.js",
  output: {...},
  module: {...},
  resolve: {
    modules: [path.resolve("./src"), path.resolve("./node_modules")],
    alias: {
      react: path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules/react"),
      "react-dom": path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules/react-dom")
  externals: {
    react: {
      commonjs: "react",
      commonjs2: "react",
      amd: "React",
      root: "React"

    "react-dom": {
      commonjs: "react-dom",
      commonjs2: "react-dom",
      amd: "ReactDOM",
      root: "ReactDOM"

externals 中,您可以看到我从构建中排除了 react react-dom .

Here in the externals you can see that I am excluding react and react-dom from the build.

现在,我需要一种从项目根目录导入常规 settings.js 文件的方法,而不是从 node_modules 导入库的方法.webpack有此功能吗?

Now, I need a way to import a regular settings.js file from the project root, rather than importing a library from the node_modules. Does webpack have this capability?

到目前为止,我已经尝试使用 externals 像这样导入它:

So far I have tried using externals to import it like so:

externals: {
    react: {...},
    "react-dom": {...},
    "settings": { commonjs: "settings.js" }

我知道这是错误的,但是为了在运行时从项目目录导入外部 .js 文件,我可以做些类似的事情吗?

I know this is wrong, but is there something similar that I can do in order to import an external .js file at runtime from the project directory?



I would encourage you to bundle instead of trying to import things at runtime. Webpack is a bundler. Things get messy when you try to work around what its designed to do.


And yes, you can import files outside of the root directory into your bundle. Here is an example from one of my apps that uses external code.

    test: /\.js?$/,
    include: [
      path.resolve(__dirname, "../Public/js/src/common")
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    loader: "babel-loader"


      common: path.resolve(__dirname, "../Public/js/src/common"),


Webpack will bundle this file with your app when you import it.


08-13 04:51