

按照指定的此处游标是无状态的,但我没有如果它是无状态的,那么它将无法解决深度分页问题. solr是否按唯一键字段按顺序存储索引数据,否则会澄清我的困惑.

as specified here cursormark is stateless but I don't get how it it is solving deep paging issue if its stateless. Does solr stores the indexed data in sort by unique key field if so then it will clarify my confusion.

如果我错了,请解释一下游标如何解决深度分页.因为游标是无状态的,所以每次请求查询时也需要对游标进行排序和区分,这类似于start =#start-position.

if I am wrong please explain how the cursormark solves deep paging. Because as cursormark is stateless it also need to sort and claculate cursormark every time request a query and this is similar to start=#start-position.



From the link you referenced...

在解释使用cursorMark ...的约束时将对此进行进一步阐述.

This is elaborated further in an explanation of the constraints on using cursorMark...

如果这不能帮助您澄清问题,我可以提供的下一个最佳解释是将cursorMark视为已编码的 filter ,告诉Solr跳过排序字段中带有值的所有文档(根据asc/desc排序顺序)在之前"的一些特定值.

If this doesn't help clarify things for you, the next best explanation i can offer is to think of the cursorMark as an encoded filter telling Solr to skip all documents with values in the sort field(s) that come "before" (based on the asc/desc sort order) some specific values.


08-19 13:01