



我不确定这是否是最好的论坛,或者它是否是Flow或Power BI问题。 长话短说如下:

  • 我有一个Azure A2嵌入式Power BI容量
  • 我有一个Power BI工作区
  • 我正在尝试使用Flow将工作空间分配给容量。
  • 我有1个流程适用于工作区1,容量为A
  • 我有第二个流程投掷"未经授权"的尝试与容量B上的工作区1做同样的事情时出错
  • 我已经检查了所有内容3次并且无法解决有什么不同 - 我检查的内容不同(当然除了GUID)。


  • 我有一个具有Power BI服务权限的Azure AAD应用程序
  • 我有一个分配了AAD应用程序的Azure安全组
  • 我已将安全组分配给容量访问控制(IAM)
  • 我已配置Power BI租户设置允许API控制并分配安全组

我的猜测是我错过了我的第二个容量的授权步骤,但我无法弄清楚它可能是什么。  任何想法?

使用Power Pivot的自助服务BI专家http://exceleratorbi.com.au


I am not sure if this is the best forum, or if it is a Flow or Power BI issue.  Long story short is as follows:

  • I have an Azure A2 embedded Power BI capacity
  • I have a Power BI Workspace
  • I am trying to use Flow to assign the workspace to the capacity.
  • I have 1 flow that works on workspace 1 with capacity A
  • I have a second flow that throws an "unauthorized" error when trying to do the same thing with workspace 1 on capacity B
  • I have checked everything 3 times and can't work out what is different - nothing I checked is different (except the GUIDs of course).

My Config

  • I have an Azure AAD App with Power BI service permissions
  • I have an Azure Security group with the AAD App assigned
  • I have assigned the security group to the capacity Access Control (IAM)
  • I have configured the Power BI tenant settings to allow API control and assigned the Security Group

My guess is I have missed an authorisation step with my second capacity, but I can't work out what that might be.  Any ideas?

Self Service BI Expert using Power Pivot http://exceleratorbi.com.au



08-13 04:06