

我试图了解eu.artifacts.%PROJECT NAME%.appspot.com是什么.目前,我每天的5GB容量限制已占用了800mb的存储空间.它仅包含 application/octet-stream 类型的文件.该存储桶是自动创建的,文件路径为eu.artifacts .... appspot.com/containers/images.那里2个最重的文件分别重达200mb和130mb.我尝试删除它,但是又自动创建了它.用户可以在我的网站上上传图片,但是当前包含所有用户图片的存储桶仅占用10mb.

I' trying to understand what eu.artifacts.%PROJECT NAME%.appspot.com is. It's currently taking up 800mb of storage from my daily 5gb limit. It contains only application/octet-stream type of files. This bucket was created automatically and the file path is eu.artifacts....appspot.com/containers/images. 2 heaviest files there weight as much as 200mb and 130mb. I tried deleting it but it was automatically created again. Users can upload pictures on my website but that bucket currently only takes about 10mb containing all the user images.


So my question is: What is this bucket for and why does it weight so much?


如果您使用的是Cloud Functions,则看到的文件与运行时(针对节点10及更高版本)的构建方式的最新更改有关.

If you are using Cloud Functions, the files you're seeing are related to a recent change in how the runtime (for Node 10 and up) is built.

Cloud Functions现在使用 Cloud Build 为以下项创建运行时(针对节点10及更高版本)您的云功能.然后,Cloud Build使用容器注册表来存储这些运行时,并将这些运行时存储在新的Cloud Storage中存储在您的项目下.

Cloud Functions now uses Cloud Build to create the runtime (for Node 10 and up) for your Cloud Functions. And Cloud Build in turn uses Container Registry to store those runtimes, which stores them in a new Cloud Storage bucket under your project.

有关更多信息,请参阅Firebase定价常见问题解答中的该条目,网址为为什么我会需要一个计费帐户来将Node.js 10或更高版本用于Firebase的Cloud Functions?

For more on this, also see this entry in the Firebase pricing FAQ on Why will I need a billing account to use Node.js 10 or later for Cloud Functions for Firebase?


Also see this thread on the firebase-talk mailing list about these artifacts.


08-13 03:31