

本文介绍了Google Cloud Endpoints 的自定义身份验证(而不是 OAuth2)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们对 App Engine 对 Google Cloud Endpoints 的支持感到非常兴奋.

We are super excited about App Engine's support for Google Cloud Endpoints.

也就是说我们还没有使用 OAuth2,通常使用用户名/密码来验证用户因此我们可以为没有 Google 帐户的客户提供支持.

That said we don't use OAuth2 yet and usually authenticate users with username/passwordso we can support customers that don't have Google accounts.

我们希望将我们的 API 迁移到 Google Cloud Endpoints,因为我们可以免费获得所有好处(API 控制台、客户端库、稳健性……),但我们的主要问题是……

We want to migrate our API over to Google Cloud Endpoints because of all the benefits we then get for free (API Console, Client Libraries, robustness, …) but our main question is …

如何向我们之前在现有 API 中检查有效用户会话 + CSRF 令牌的云端点添加自定义身份验证.

How to add custom authentication to cloud endpoints where we previously check for a valid user session + CSRF token in our existing API.

有没有一种优雅的方法来做到这一点,而无需在 protoRPC 消息中添加诸如会话信息和 CSRF 令牌之类的东西?

Is there an elegant way to do this without adding stuff like session information and CSRF tokens to the protoRPC messages?


我正在为我的整个应用程序使用 webapp2 身份验证系统.所以我尝试将其重用于 Google Cloud 身份验证,我明白了!

I'm using webapp2 Authentication system for my entire application. So I tried to reuse this for Google Cloud Authentication and I get it!

webapp2_extras.auth 使用 webapp2_extras.sessions 来存储认证信息.并且该会话可以以 3 种不同的格式存储:securecookie、datastore 或 memcache.

webapp2_extras.auth uses webapp2_extras.sessions to store auth information. And it this session could be stored in 3 different formats: securecookie, datastore or memcache.

Securecookie 是我正在使用的默认格式.我认为它足够安全,因为 webapp2 身份验证系统用于在生产环境中运行的大量 GAE 应用程序.

Securecookie is the default format and which I'm using. I consider it secure enough as webapp2 auth system is used for a lot of GAE application running in production enviroment.

所以我解码了这个 securecookie 并从 GAE Endpoints 重用它.我不知道这是否会产生一些安全问题(我希望不会)但也许 @bossylobster 可以说看看安全方面是否可以.

So I decode this securecookie and reuse it from GAE Endpoints. I don't know if this could generate some secure problem (I hope not) but maybe @bossylobster could say if it is ok looking at security side.

我的 API:

import Cookie
import logging
import endpoints
import os
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from protorpc import remote
import time
from webapp2_extras.sessions import SessionDict
from web.frankcrm_api_messages import IdContactMsg, FullContactMsg, ContactList, SimpleResponseMsg
from web.models import Contact, User
from webapp2_extras import sessions, securecookie, auth
import config

__author__ = 'Douglas S. Correa'

    'token_max_age': 86400 * 7 * 3,
    'token_new_age': 86400,
    'token_cache_age': 3600,

SESSION_ATTRIBUTES = ['user_id', 'remember',
                      'token', 'token_ts', 'cache_ts']


@endpoints.api(name='frank', version='v1',
               description='FrankCRM API')
class FrankApi(remote.Service):
    user = None
    token = None

    def get_user_from_cookie(cls):
        serializer = securecookie.SecureCookieSerializer(SESSION_SECRET_KEY)
        cookie_string = os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE')
        cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
        session = cookie['session'].value
        session_name = cookie['session_name'].value
        session_name_data = serializer.deserialize('session_name', session_name)
        session_dict = SessionDict(cls, data=session_name_data, new=False)

        if session_dict:
            session_final = dict(zip(SESSION_ATTRIBUTES, session_dict.get('_user')))
            _user, _token = cls.validate_token(session_final.get('user_id'), session_final.get('token'),
            cls.user = _user
            cls.token = _token

    def user_to_dict(cls, user):
        """Returns a dictionary based on a user object.

        Extra attributes to be retrieved must be set in this module's

        :param user:
            User object: an instance the custom user model.
            A dictionary with user data.
        if not user:
            return None

        user_dict = dict((a, getattr(user, a)) for a in [])
        user_dict['user_id'] = user.get_id()
        return user_dict

    def get_user_by_auth_token(cls, user_id, token):
        """Returns a user dict based on user_id and auth token.

        :param user_id:
            User id.
        :param token:
            Authentication token.
            A tuple ``(user_dict, token_timestamp)``. Both values can be None.
            The token timestamp will be None if the user is invalid or it
            is valid but the token requires renewal.
        user, ts = User.get_by_auth_token(user_id, token)
        return cls.user_to_dict(user), ts

    def validate_token(cls, user_id, token, token_ts=None):
        """Validates a token.

        Tokens are random strings used to authenticate temporarily. They are
        used to validate sessions or service requests.

        :param user_id:
            User id.
        :param token:
            Token to be checked.
        :param token_ts:
            Optional token timestamp used to pre-validate the token age.
            A tuple ``(user_dict, token)``.
        now = int(time.time())
        delete = token_ts and ((now - token_ts) > TOKEN_CONFIG['token_max_age'])
        create = False

        if not delete:
            # Try to fetch the user.
            user, ts = cls.get_user_by_auth_token(user_id, token)
            if user:
                # Now validate the real timestamp.
                delete = (now - ts) > TOKEN_CONFIG['token_max_age']
                create = (now - ts) > TOKEN_CONFIG['token_new_age']

        if delete or create or not user:
            if delete or create:
                # Delete token from db.
                User.delete_auth_token(user_id, token)

                if delete:
                    user = None

            token = None

        return user, token

    @endpoints.method(IdContactMsg, ContactList,
                      path='contact/list', http_method='GET',
    def list_contacts(self, request):


        if not self.user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Invalid token.')

        model_list = Contact.query().fetch(20)
        contact_list = []
        for contact in model_list:

        return ContactList(contact_list=contact_list)

    @endpoints.method(FullContactMsg, IdContactMsg,
                      path='contact/add', http_method='POST',
    def add_contact(self, request):

        if not self.user:
           raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Invalid token.')

        new_contact = Contact.put_from_message(request)


        return IdContactMsg(id=new_contact.key.id())

    @endpoints.method(FullContactMsg, IdContactMsg,
                      path='contact/update', http_method='POST',
    def update_contact(self, request):

        if not self.user:
           raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Invalid token.')

        new_contact = Contact.put_from_message(request)


        return IdContactMsg(id=new_contact.key.id())

    @endpoints.method(IdContactMsg, SimpleResponseMsg,
                      path='contact/delete', http_method='POST',
    def delete_contact(self, request):

        if not self.user:
           raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Invalid token.')

        if request.id:
            contact_to_delete_key = ndb.Key(Contact, request.id)
            if contact_to_delete_key.get():
                return SimpleResponseMsg(success=True)

        return SimpleResponseMsg(success=False)

APPLICATION = endpoints.api_server([FrankApi],

这篇关于Google Cloud Endpoints 的自定义身份验证(而不是 OAuth2)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 03:05