


I can't uninstall or install the application. This particular box is not able to access the internet and I don't have physical access so most of the googleable results are not useful since they suggest running an exe from Microsoft.


What are the manual steps to resolving this issues. There is no way I can physically reach this machine nor does there seem to be a way for me to get files onto it. This is code that I'm developing and testing. I've tried repair and remove which fails out. I've scoured the registry but I must be missing something here.


If this is better on SuperUsers I'll gladly move it.


我遇到了相同的卸载问题,即删除了我编写的包含两个Windows服务的应用程序,因此不可避免地会出现自定义错误.我解决了它正在运行PC Tools Registry Mechanic.不幸的是,赛门铁克已经淘汰了该产品.但是,已知Microsoft Fixit可以帮助解决与注册表相关的问题. http://support.microsoft.com/mats/Program_Install_and_Uninstall

I had the same uninstall issue removing an application that I wrote that includes two Windows Services, ergo custom actions were unavoidable. I solved it be running PC Tools Registry Mechanic. Unfortunately, Symantec has retired that product. However, Microsoft Fixit has been known to help with registry related problems. http://support.microsoft.com/mats/Program_Install_and_Uninstall


08-13 03:03