




My app creates files that should be persisted for the user.


I'd rather not ask the user to have to name and save files, rather do it automatically, as the files can be described from the date and time they were acquired and some of the content contained in them.


Currently, I'm storing the data in ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder, but I'm having a couple of problems.

首先,数据似乎完全没有明显消失。 我不确定这是因为我做了重建,还是由其他原因引起的。

First, the data seems to disappear completely for no apparent reason.  I'm not sure if this is because I've done a rebuild, or if it's caused by something else.

其次,我想为用户提供以前打开的选项。文件 但是,存储我选择的文件似乎会使文件选择器无法访问这些文件。 我是否必须实现自己的UI来选择文件?

Second, I'd like to offer the user the option to open previous files.  However, storing files where I have chosen appears to make them inaccessible to the file picker.  Do I have to implement my own UI for selecting files?

第三,我注意到ApplicationData似乎有一个全局版本号,我不知道这应该如何应用于现有文件版本不匹配。 我可以开始转换,但是用户显然可以通过随时关闭应用来锁定转换

Third, I notice ApplicationData seems to have a global version number, and I'm not sure how this should apply to existing files if the versions don't match.  I could begin the conversion, but the user could obviously pull the plug on the conversion by closing the app at any moment, so I'm not sure how I can guarantee not to lose the data.


Are there any pointers to the documentation on how this should be handled, as I can't find any.

Anthony Wieser |维瑟软件有限公司|

Anthony Wieser | Wieser Software Ltd | www.wieser-software.com



08-13 02:23