

本文介绍了在OS X上安装JAR文件的位置,以便其他Java应用程序可以找到它们?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想安装不同的JAR文件,比如OS X上的数据库JDBC驱动器,以便其他Java应用程序可以找到它们。

I want to install different JAR files, like database JDBC drives on OS X so other Java applications will find them.

我应该把它们放在哪里?我尝试了〜/ Library / Java / Extensions 但它没有接缝工作。

Where am I supposed to put them? I tried ~/Library/Java/Extensions but it doesn't seam to work.


OS X 10.8.2

java version "1.6.0_35"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_35-b10-428-11M3811)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.10-b01-428, mixed mode)


Note: I do not have control over how the application is initialized, but I do assume that the application does not incude it's own Java distribution and that it will start the OS installed versions (the one that is available from the command line).

此外,我没有任何CLASSPATH设置,请记住环境变量可用于命令行程序与OS X上的GUI应用程序可用的程序不同。

Also, I do not have any CLASSPATH setup, and please remember that environment variables that are available to command line programs are not the same as the ones available to GUI apps on OS X.


I need to specify that I am trying this for my development machine and that this approach is not a way of deploying Java applications.



Please DON'T do this. Here's why: Other apps will break, because those JAR files will be loaded for every Java app.


In detail: I sell a Java app for Mac. It relies on having a specific recent version of a JAR file (for JFreeChart). Sometimes there is an older version of the same JAR file in the appropriate Extensions folder. This breaks my app.


But if you really want to do this: According to Apple's docs:

$ JAVA_HOME / lib / ext目录来存储
支持类或jar文件。虽然Java for Mac OS X还包含
lib / ext目录,但开发人员不应该直接修改它,因为
与上面提到的原因相同。 / Library / Java / Extensions目录
~ / Library / Java / Extensions目录可用于支持库的用户级

Java software on other platforms often makes use of the $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory within a JDK installation to store support class or jar files. While Java for Mac OS X also contains a lib/ext directory, developers should not directly modify it for the same reasons mentioned above. The /Library/Java/Extensions directory can be used for additional jar files or JNI libraries that need to be placed on the system classpath. For more controlled access, the ~/Library/Java/Extensions directory can be used for user-level installation of support libraries. Items placed in either of these directories do not need to be named in an application's classpath and will be available to all applications run under the respective scope (system-level or user-level, depending which directory is used).

这篇关于在OS X上安装JAR文件的位置,以便其他Java应用程序可以找到它们?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 02:18