Google App Engine的Django Helper可创建BaseModel,以允许模型在Django和App Engine中同时存在。帮助者是否提供了使用Polymodels与Django的方法?
The Django Helper for Google App Engine creates BaseModel to allow a model to exist both in Django and App Engine. Does the helper provide a way to use Polymodels with Django?
我不知道帮助者中的任何功能的PolyModel。我想你将不得不更改 BaseModel
继承自 Polymodel
I'm not aware of any functionality in the helper to incorporate Polymodel. I think you're going to have to change BaseModel
to inherit from Polymodel
and test it out to see if anything breaks.
There was a question about this here, but no one responded. There's been some activity lately on the mailing list, so you might want to raise it again: http://groups.google.com/group/app-engine-django/browse_thread/thread/cdaba1ed81a9d958
这篇关于可以在Google App Engine Django Helper中使用Polymodel类与Basemodel吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!