

本文介绍了如何在 windows xp 中安装标准调制解调器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 windows 编程的新手,但有 linux 平台的编程经验.

I am new to windows programming but have programming experience on linux platform.


Anybody can please clarify the following.

我需要通过 c 程序或批处理脚本在 windows xp 中安装调制解调器.我拥有的调制解调器是串行调制解调器.每当我连接作为串行端口的调制解调器时.我必须使用 Windows 标准 medem 驱动程序(Modem.sys)安装该调制解调器.这是我通过控制面板项目电话和调制解调器"完成的".但我想使用 c 程序或批处理脚本进行安装.有人可以给一些建议吗?或者是否可以在不安装的情况下创建拨号连接以连接到 gprs 网络?

I need to install a modem in windows xp through c program or batch script. Modem i have is a serial modem.Whenever i connect the modem that is coming as a serial port.I have to install that modem using windows standard medem driver(Modem.sys).That i have done through control panel item "phone and modem" . But i want to do that installation using c program or batch script. Can anybody please give some suggestions? Or is that possible to create dial up connection without installation to connect to gprs network ?


也许是 MSDN 文章 How To Programmatically Install包括对 runDll32.exe 的 rhis 调用的调制解调器驱动程序可以提供帮助

Perhaps the MSDN article How To Programmatically Install Modem Drivers which includes rhis call to runDll32.exe can help

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl,Modems, noui inf=c:\MyModem.INF sect=MyModem

这篇文章很旧,引用了 Windows NT 4.0 版,但我不相信你不是 90 年代后期问这个问题的时间旅行者

The article is very old and references Windows NT version 4.0 but then again I'm not convinced you not a time traveler asking this question from the late 90's

这篇关于如何在 windows xp 中安装标准调制解调器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 01:49