我将互联网浏览器的等级降级了从ie 10到ie9.因此,Java脚本调试器无法在Visual Studio 2010中工作.我从程序和功能中删除了Internet Explorer,然后安装了64位版本 Windows 7上的ie9的代码.我可以使它工作吗?
Hi there i have downgraded internet explorer from ie 10 to ie 9. As a result of this the java script debugger is not working in visual studio 2010.I have removed the internet explorer from the program and features and then installed 64 bit version of the ie9 on windows 7 .how can i make it work?
- 取消勾选 span>禁用脚本调试(Internet Explorer)
- regsvr32.exe %ProgramFiles(x86)%\ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ VS7Debug \ msdbg2.dll"命令.
- 在调试选项中附加ie进程.
- untick Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
- regsvr32.exe "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\msdbg2.dll" command.
- Attaching the ie process in the debug options.
- 当您通过按"F5"从Visual Studio直接运行应用程序时,会收到任何错误或警告.
- 您是否尝试过重置IIS?
- Do you get any error or warning when you directly run the application from visual studio by pressing "F5".
- Did you try resetting the IIS?
Sorry to ask some very basic question
- 您的Windows 7 OS是64位吗?因为我使用Windows 7 Professional(32位)以及Visual Studio 2010和IE 9.0,所以它可以正常工作.我也以管理员权限运行Visual Studio
- Is your windows 7 OS 64 bit ? Because i use Windows 7 Professional (32-bit) and Visual studio 2010 and IE 9.0, it works without issues. Also i run the visual studio with administrator privileges
Did you get chance to look into the following threads which discussion about the same issue,
if you enable Silverlight debugging, it completely disables ASP.NET debugging. Unchecking Silverlight Debugging in the project's Properties --> Web re enables debugging -http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/6809f828-09b9-4e3e-a8f2-cbde2c4c69b4/unable-to-debug-javascript-in-vs2010?forum=vsdebug
这篇关于JavaScript调试在Visual Studio 2010中不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!