


I have a c# .NET multi-threaded application that is freezing the interface. What is unusual about this is that the interface does not freeze unless I let the system sit idle long enough for the screen saver to start (which requires me to reenter my password to re-gain access to the system). When the interface becomes visible again (after I have successfully entered my password) the interface is locked up. As long as I don't let the screensaver start, then the interface does not lockup.

我应该指出,我有两个访问相同dll的不同可执行文件,无论我使用哪个应用程序访问DLL,都会出现此问题.这似乎暗示问题出在DLL中,因为两个应用程序(C ++/MFC)和(C#/.NET)完全不同,除了它们与DLL的关系如何.

I should point out that I have two different executables that access the same dll and this problem is occurring no matter which application I use to access the DLL. This seems to imply that the problem is in the DLL as the two applications are completely different (C++/MFC) and (C#/.NET) apart from how they relate to the DLL.


Both exes perform similar steps in how they interact with the DLL. They make calls into the dll to setup the serial port communication, open a status window in the DLL, start a thread in the DLL to monitor the comm port, and then starts a thread in the main app that monitors a stack in the dll.


When data is obtained from the comm port by the thread in the DLL, it is parsed and its results are placed on the stack and then posted to the status window via a delegate. When the thread in the exe sees data in the stack, it outputs the data in the main window, also using a delegate.


I found that if I add code to the thread inside the DLL so it calls Application.DoEvents() every 30 seconds, the interface will be frozen for about 30 seconds and then resume activity like normal.I figure something is blocking the main thread and forcing DoEvents() to fire seems to break the lock, but I have no idea what might be causing this lock.


This issue occurs both on my development machine and on a test machine.


I have tried completely removing the output of data to the status window inside the DLL, but that didn't make any difference.


I have been doing multi-threaded programming for years and never seen anything like this; so any advice would be greatly appreciated.



当您使用非标准方式初始化用户界面时,这是SystemEvents类通常引起的问题.特别是使用线程.启动程序,调试+全部破坏,调试+ Windows +线程.如果您看到一个名为".NET SystemEvents"的线程,那么您肯定可以将其挂起.

This is a problem that's commonly induced by the SystemEvents class when you have a non-standard way to initialize your user interface. Using threads, specifically. Start your program, Debug + Break All, Debug + Windows + Threads. If you see a thread named ".NET SystemEvents" then you're pretty much guaranteed to get this hang.


Some background: the SystemEvent class supports both console mode apps and GUI apps. For the latter, it should fire its event handlers on the UI thread. The very first time one of its events is subscribed, it creates a little invisible helper window to get the system notifications. It can do this two ways, either by creating the window on the calling thread or by starting up a helper thread. It makes the decision based on the value of Thread.GetApartmentState(). If it is STA then it can create the window on the calling thread and all event callbacks can be properly marshaled to that thread.

如果未在UI线程上创建您创建的 first 窗口,则会出错.例如启动画面.该窗口可能包含对系统事件感兴趣的控件,例如UserPreferenceChanged,以便它们可以正确地重新绘制自己.现在,它使用帮助程序线程,并且将从该帮助程序线程而不是UI线程中触发任何事件.毒害在UI线程上运行的任何窗口.出于某种神秘的原因,从锁定的工作站(包括屏幕保护程序)中退出会话很可能导致死锁.您可能还会看到偶尔的绘画事故,这是使用来自错误线程的窗口带来的较不愉快的结果.

This goes wrong if the first window you create is not created on the UI thread. A splash screen for example. That window may contain controls that are interested in a system event like UserPreferenceChanged so they can properly repaint themselves. It now uses the helper thread and any event will be fired from that helper thread, not the UI thread. Poison to any window that runs on the UI thread. The session switch out of a locked workstation (including the screen saver) is for some mysterious reason very likely to cause deadlock. You may also see an occasional painting mishap, the less nasty result of using windows from the wrong thread.


Short from fixing the initialization order, a workaround is to put this in your Main() method, before any windows are created:

Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += delegate { };


08-13 01:44