



我正在使用ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC构建Intranet.所有用户都是活动目录的一部分.另外,我有一个具有以下表的MSSQL数据库:

I am building an intranet with ASP.NET core 2.0 MVC. All users are part of an active directory. Additionaly I have a MSSQL database with the following tables:

Users (Id, FirstName, UserNameAd (unique), ...)
Roles (Id, RoleName)
UserRoles (User_Id, Role_Id)


In my web application I now want to retrieve the roles of a user and store them in the Authentication/Identity Classes of Microsoft in order to use [Authenticate(Roles="Admin")] stuff. I am not sure where I shall put this role-request and what is the best practice. It is possible that a user gets a new role during the day or that a role is removed during the day and I actually do not want the user to click something specific or need him to restart the browser in order to get the new roles applied - thats why I think that the roles need to be requested with each server-action (POST, GET) from the server.


Any idea or link to a good tutorial would be highly appreciated.


Also if you think my approach is not good practice and you have a better idea I would be happy to know.



After a lot of discussions and researches in the internet i came to the conclusion to chose pure windows authentication.

它开箱即用,您已经可以通过[Authorize(Roles ="ADGroupName")]将活动目录组用作角色,

It works out of the box and you can already use the active directory groups as roles with [Authorize(Roles = "ADGroupName")] which is really straightforward and nice.


08-13 01:29