之类的命令,则无论在页面加载还是登录时,都不会在Catlog中收到调试消息. AuthRequest
I am working on a project to authenticate to a website via a WebView
in an android app. I have researched the issue quite a bit, the consensus is to use the onReceivedHttpAuthRequest
Method. However if I use a command such as webview.loadUrl("https://github.com/login");
I never get debug message in the Catlog either when the page loads or when I login. Is there a reason why the AuthRequest
would never come through?
public void onReceivedHttpAuthRequest(WebView view,HttpAuthHandler handler, String host, String realm) {
handler.proceed("me@test.com", "mypassword");
身份验证有不同的类型.当传入HTTP身份验证请求(基本/摘要身份验证)时,将调用onReceivedHttpAuthRequest().您在转到 https://github.com/login 时给出的示例,该页面不是使用这种身份验证.
There are different types of authentication. onReceivedHttpAuthRequest() is called when an HTTP authentication request comes in (Basic/Digest authentication). The example that you gave for when you go to https://github.com/login this is not a page that uses this type of authentication.
When the browser sees this type of authentication request it typically displays a login dialog box prompting the user for a username and password.
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