

我需要在 cPanel 上运行我的Java应用程序。我已经成功安装了Tomcat,

I need to run my Java application on cPanel. I have successfully installed Tomcat,

我可以通过将 war 文件复制到我的 www 文件夹,但问题是它在地址中显示了项目名称( war 文件名),我需要知道如何删除,用户可以访问 www.example.com 而不是 www.example.com/MyProject/index.jsp

I can run my application by copying war file into my www folder but the problem is that it shows the Project name (war file name) in the address, I need to know how to remove that, so users can access www.example.com rather than www.example.com/MyProject/index.jsp?



According to one cpanel hosting service command prompt access is generally turned off for cpanel for security reasons and you have to ask for it specifically. If you have this access you can login and run the unzip command (after uploading the war file using FileZilla or similar).

根据如果你没有命令提示符访问权限,你可以将战争上传到你的 public_html 目录,但在此之前,您需要更改apache配置并为此添加JkMount(请参阅​​下面的appname)。

According to cpanel if you don't have command prompt access, you can upload the war to your public_html directory, but before doing this you need to change the apache config and add a "JkMount" for this (see the one with "appname" below).

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
  JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
  JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
  JkMount /servlets/* ajp13
  JkMount /*.do ajp13
  JkMount /appname/* ajp13


Except of course you put "your app name" instead of appname. This change will instruct apache to redirect calls to the top-level url (ie mydomain.com/appname) to your Tomcat instance (ie mydomain.com:8080/appname). After you have uploaded the war and changed the config, you have to restart apache.

但我们说我们没有ssh访问权限,所以我们如何修改该文件。根据,我们可以编辑/ home / username / public_html / .htaccess或只是/public_html/.htaccess并添加以下行:

But we said we didn't have ssh access, so how do we modify that file. according to this forum we can edit the /home/username/public_html/.htaccess or just /public_html/.htaccess and add these lines:

SetHandler jakarta-servlet

现在,apache将重新定向到tomcat以获取mydomain.com/appname of mydomain.com:8080/appname。我们如何才能从mydomain.com开始工作?我根本就不知道答案。据我所知,使用将war文件更改为ROOT.war的常用技巧在cpanel中不起作用。

Now, apache will re-direct to tomcat for mydomain.com/appname instead of mydomain.com:8080/appname. How do we get it to work from just mydomain.com? I simply don't know the answer to this. As far as I know using the usual trick of changing the war file to ROOT.war does not work in cpanel.


08-13 00:54