



我不明白什么 AutoEventWireUp 页面属性负责。

I don't understand what the AutoEventWireUp page property is responsible for.


While surfing the net, I have found a lot of forums with discussions about it and they all seem discrepant to me.


Can I please get a clear explanation of what this property means exactly?


I've read through this article, but even that I don't understand.


在请求一个页面,它会引发这被认为是它的一部分各种事件的的。我一直href=\"http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20051227.asp\">视觉重presentation 通过彼得布朗伯格创建得心应手

When a Page is requested, it raises various events which are considered to be part of it's lifecycle. I keep the visual representation created by Peter Bromberg handy with me.

AutoEventWireUp 属性为true时,自动连线了其中的一些内置在页面生命周期的处理程序事件。这意味着你不需要明确附上这些事件(使用Handles关键字,例如,在VB)。

The AutoEventWireUp property when True, automatically wires up some of these built-in events in the Page life cycle to their handlers. This means that you do not need to explicitly attach these events (using the Handles keyword, for instance, in VB).

这些内置事件的例子是 Page_Init 的Page_Load

Examples of these built-in events would be Page_Init and Page_Load.

如果您设置 AutoEventWireUp 为True 提供明确的接线了事件处理器,你会发现他们正在执行两次!这就是为什么Visual Studio中保持这个属性被默认设置为

If you set AutoEventWireUp to True and provide explicit wiring up of the EventHandlers, you will find them being executed twice! This is one reason why Visual Studio keeps this attribute set to false by default.


(after Chester89's comment)

要注意页面的 AutoEventWireUp 属性的默认值是真正,而这是非常有用的Page类的 AutoEventWireUp 属性的默认值是

It is useful to note that the default value of the AutoEventWireUp attribute of the Page is true, while the default value of the AutoEventWireUp property of the Page class is false


08-13 00:40