



我正在开发一个 Java 库,并想从中删除一些功能.我这样做的原因是公共 API 和设计清理.一些对象有 setter,但应该是不可变的,一些功能在不同的方法中实现得更好/更清晰,等等.

I'm working on a Java library and would like to remove some functions from it. My reasons for this is public API and design cleanup. Some objects have setters, but should be immutable, some functionality has been implemented better/cleaner in different methods, etc.


I have marked these methods 'deprecated', and would like to remove them eventually. At the moment I'm thinking about removing these after few sprints (two week development cycles).


Are there any 'best practices' about removing redundant public code?




设置日期并在@deprecated 标签中公布.移除的时间取决于您的代码拥有的用户数量、您与他们的联系程度以及更改的原因.

Set a date and publicize it in the @deprecated tag. The amount of time given to the removal depends on the amount of users your code has, how well connected you are with them and the the reason for the change.


If you have thousands of users and you barely talk to them, the time frame should probably be in the decades range :-)

如果您的用户是您的 10 位同事并且您每天都看到他们,那么时间范围很容易在几周范围内.

If your users are your 10 coworkers and you see them daily, the time frame can easily be in the weeks range.

 * @deprecated
 * This method will be removed after Halloween!
 * @see #newLocationForFunctionality


08-13 00:37