本文介绍了无法在VS 2015中使用Xamarin Xaml Intellisense的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've been trying to get intellisense working for quite some time now, and am unable to see anything outside of


  • Visual Studio 2015 Update 2
  • Resharper已安装但已禁用
  • 参考Xamarin Forms的最新预发行版(
  • Xamarin for Visual Studio(4.2.21)
  • 引用来自NuGet的正确的2.3.0.38-pre2目标文件的便携式项目
  • 为Xamarin.Forms启用XAML语言
    • Visual Studio 2015 Update 2
    • Resharper is installed but disabled
    • Referencing the latest pre-releases of Xamarin Forms (
    • Xamarin for Visual Studio (4.2.21)
    • Portable project referencing the proper targets file from NuGet
    • Enable XAML Language for Xamarin.Forms
    • 我还想念什么?我觉得这不应该那么困难.

      What else am I missing? I feel like it shouldn't be this difficult.



      I resolved this issue by doing a simple workaround and here is the solution.


      Right-click the XAML file in the Solution Explorer and select

      解决方案1:"打开方式...> 源代码(文本)编辑器".

      Solution 1: "Open With... > Source Code (Text) Editor".


      解决方案2:"打开方式...> 带有编码的源代码(文本)编辑器"

      Solution 2: "Open With... > Source Code (Text) Editor with Encoding"

      即使没有安装额外的为Xamarin.Forms启用XAML语言",该解决方法也为我提供了所需的XAML IntelliSense.扩展程序,甚至安装了ReSharper但已暂停.

      This workaround gave me the desired XAML IntelliSense even without installing the extra "Enable XAML Language for Xamarin.Forms" extension and even with ReSharper installed but suspended.

      这篇关于无法在VS 2015中使用Xamarin Xaml Intellisense的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 04:49