




I have inherited a Azure project and is struggling with accessing some of the information in it. There are multiple keyvault which I need to get into, but I dont have access, and I dont understand why as I am the project owner. I am signed in as the user with the OK profile picture.


If I go to Keys or secrets I get the following error:The operation "List" is not enabled in this key vault's access policy.


Network access is set to "All networks"


So I go to access policies to give myself access.There I click the "Add new" Button.This brings me to the screen where I can set up permissions and add a principal. When I search for my user there I can not find it. Searching for users which already are in the access control list also returns nothing.


The "searching..." status never disappears, but I do get a red line around the email after a while.


How do I get access to a keyvault using the portal?


您的密钥保险库似乎已从另一个Azure AD租户移动(带有订阅),并保持与该租户的绑定.因此,您可能希望将其与此MS文章中所述的新租户相关联:在订阅移动后更改密钥库租户ID .

It looks like your key vault was moved (with the subscription) from another Azure AD tenant and kept its binding to said tenant. So you might want to associate it with the new tenant as described in this MS article: Change a key vault tenant ID after a subscription move.

$subscriptionId = <Your subscription ID>
$keyVaultName = <Key Vault name>

Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
$vaultResourceId = (Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName $keyVaultName).ResourceId
$vault = Get-AzResource –ResourceId $vaultResourceId -ExpandProperties
$vault.Properties.TenantId = (Get-AzContext).Tenant.TenantId
$vault.Properties.AccessPolicies = @()
Set-AzResource -ResourceId $vaultResourceId -Properties $vault.Properties

注意:此操作后,旧Azure AD租户中的安全主体(用户和应用程序)将失去对密钥库的访问权限.因此,如果有机会在您的订阅中部署了一个应用程序,该应用程序使用了在旧租户中注册的应用程序ID(和机密),则您需要在Azure AD中进行新的应用程序注册,并为其授予对密钥的权限保管库并使用新凭据重新部署应用程序.

Note: security principals (users and applications) in the old Azure AD tenant will lose their access to the key vault after this operation. So if by any chance, there is an application deployed in your subscription, which uses application ID (and secret) registered in the old tenant, you'll need to make a new app registration in your Azure AD, give it permissions to the key vault and redeploy the app with the new credentials.


08-13 00:03