

CBPeripheralManager.authorizationStatus() CBPeripheralManagerAuthorizationStatus 。检查用户现在是否已授予在后台使用蓝牙权限的正确方法是什么?

CBPeripheralManager.authorizationStatus() and CBPeripheralManagerAuthorizationStatus are deprecated based on apple docs. What is the proper way of checking whether user has granted permission to use bluetooth in background now?

CBPeripheralManagerDelegate 具有 peripheralManagerDidUpdateState ,但无论用户是否授予许可,都不会返回未经授权的,而只会返回 poweredOn poweredOff

CBPeripheralManagerDelegate has peripheralManagerDidUpdateState but that never returns unauthorized regardless of whether user granted the permission or not, instead it only returns poweredOn or poweredOff


CBCentralManager CBPeripheralManager 继承自。

CBCentralManager and CBPeripheralManager inherit from CBManager.

从iOS 13开始, CBManager 有一个属性。您可以检查 .allowedAlways

As of iOS 13, CBManager has an authorization property. You can check this for .allowedAlways.

如果#available(iOS,可以使用 13.0,*)有条件地在iOS 13及更高版本上使用授权

You can use if #available(iOS 13.0, *) to conditionally use authorization on iOS 13 and later


08-12 23:47