

本文介绍了SWT - 获取图像的实际屏幕位置的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have drawn an image on a Composite using the following code

imageCanvas = new Composite(shell, SWT.BORDER);

//adding paintListener to the canvas
imageCanvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
public void paintControl(PaintEvent e)
    if (sourceImage != null)
        // draw the image
        e.gc.drawImage(sourceImage, 120, 150);

        //check the bounds of the image using the getBounds function
        Rectangle newrec = sourceImage.getBounds();
        System.out.println("X: " +newrec.x + " Y: "+newrec.y );    // prints (0, 0)      instead of (120, 150)

现在,我试图找回屏幕上的图像位置。所述image.getBounds函数返回父容器和getLocationOnScreen()在AWT使用内的边界/ Swing是不适用于SWT。我怎样才能获得图像的屏幕位置在SWT?

Now, I am trying to retrieve the image position on the screen. The image.getBounds function returns the bounds within the parent container and getLocationOnScreen() used in AWT/Swing is not available for SWT. How can I get the screen position of an image in SWT?


您需要显示相对坐标。如果你有一个复合 imageCanvas ,而你在坐标上绘制图像的 120,150 ,然后就可以得到上的坐标通过调用显示:

You need the display-relative coordinates. If you have a Composite imageCanvas, and you're drawing an image on it at coordinates 120, 150, then you can get the coordinates on the display by calling:

imageCanvas.toDisplay(120, 150);

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08-12 22:52