

当构建由多个插件和一个功能组成的Eclipse插件( lato sensu )时,我有两种方法来指定依赖关系:

When building an Eclipse plugin (lato sensu) which consists of multiple plugins and one feature, I have two ways of specifying dependencies:

  • 在插件本身中,使用 Require-Bundle Import-Package META-INF / MANIFEST.MF ;

  • feature.xml 文件中这个功能。

  • in the plugins themselves, using Require-Bundle and Import-Package in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF;
  • in the feature.xml file from the feature.

根据我的理解,应该在较低级别声明依赖关系,即在插件中。为什么我们仍然有 feature.xml 需要机制?

In my understanding, it should be enough to declare the dependencies at the lower level, i.e. in the plugins. Why do we still have the feature.xml requires mechanism?




Consider the case where you are building an extension to JDT. Say you only depend on JDT core api (no UI extensions). If you only rely on OSGi dependencies, when your plugin is installed, p2 will dutifully install JDT core bundle, but not the UI bundle. Perfectly fine from OSGi perspective, but probably not what you intended.


I recommend sticking with feature import to describe your high level dependencies to make sure that they are installed in full. Relying only on OSGi dependencies works best for free-floating bundles that aren't part of something bigger that should be installed as a unit.


08-12 22:50