

本文介绍了HTTP 401不使用HTTP基本身份验证时未授权?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在构建不使用 HTTP基本身份验证的REST API时(但还有其他方法) (例如api键)和客户端提供的无效凭据,您应该返回什么HTTP状态代码? 401未经授权或403禁止访问?

When building a REST API that doesn't use HTTP basic authentication (but something else like an api-key) and the client provides invalid credentials, what HTTP Status Code are you supposed to return? 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden?

IANA HTTP状态代码注册表列出了 RFC7235第3.1 条,其中涉及"401未经授权"状态:

The IANA HTTP Status Code Registry lists RFC7235, Section 3.1 as responsible for "401 Unauthorized", where it states:

这是否意味着REST API仅在使用HTTP基本身份验证时才返回401,而在例如通过api-key使用身份验证时不应该返回401?

Does that mean that a REST API should only ever return a 401 when using HTTP basic authentication but not when for example using authentication via an api-key?

Django 似乎同意:

Django seems to agree:


The kind of response that will be used depends on the authentication scheme.


While Richardson seems to disagree:



You are assuming that the www-authenticate value needs to be basic. You can return a different value like "API-key" as the type of auth that needs to happen. So feel free to return 401 and www-authenticate header with some other value. You can even return multiple headers with different values indicating the different types of authentication that your app supports.

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08-12 22:07