


Checking the protractor documentation, I see there is a option to run protractor without using Selenium server using directConnect: true flag.


What is the difference between running protractor tests with a selenium server and without a selenium server other than the fact that only Chrome, Firefox are supported for the latter case?



First of all, currently, you have 4 different built-in options/ways to connect to browser drivers:

  1. 指定 seleniumServerJar 来在本地启动硒独立服务器

  2. 指定 seleniumAddress 来连接到运行Selenium服务器(本地或远程)

  3. 设置 sauceUser sauceKey 连接到酱实验室远程服务器硒

  4. 使用的DirectConnect 来直接连接到Chrome或Firefox。还有其他 chromeDriver firefoxPath 设置,你可以用它来定义自定义Chrome的驱动器和Firefox的应用程序二进制文件的位置。

  1. specify seleniumServerJar to start selenium standalone server locally
  2. specify seleniumAddress to connect to a running selenium server (local or remote)
  3. set sauceUser and sauceKey to connect to Sauce Labs remote selenium server
  4. use directConnect to connect to Chrome or Firefox directly. There are additional chromeDriver and firefoxPath setting that you can use to define custom Chrome driver and Firefox application binary locations.


The first 3 options basically work through a "proxy", a selenium server:

  的webdriver API),并且浏览器驱动器(由的webdriver控制

通过中间硒服务器而不是直接的webdriver连接到自动化的浏览器的主要的原因是硒服务器,如果充当,让你展开/扩展在多个浏览器,在多个系统多个浏览器你的测试,看看,例如,的。仅供参考,还有,即,除了其他功能,行为与硒的服务器,酱实验室,不同的功能/配置大量相似 - 浏览器和系统

The main reason to automate browsers through an intermediate selenium server as opposed to direct webdriver connect is that selenium server, if acts as a Selenium Grid, allows you to expand/scale your tests across multiple browsers, multiple browsers on multiple systems, see, for instance, Sauce Labs Selenium Grid. FYI, there is also BrowserStack service, that, apart of other features, acts as a selenium server with, similarly to Sauce Labs, enormous amount of different capabilities/configurations - browsers and systems.

启动硒服务器的其他使用案例(谈到选项2),而不是使用的DirectConnect 是,你可能有一个特定的配置(S)你想你测试运行。我说,你有一台Windows计算机的IE 11在船上和Ubuntu使用Firefox 35在这种情况下,您可以配置这些机器硒节点这将连接到的。

The other use case of starting up a selenium server (speaking about option 2) and not using directConnect is that you may have a specific configuration(s) you want your tests to run on. Say, you have a Windows machine with IE 11 on board and Ubuntu with Firefox 35. In this case, you may configure these machines as selenium nodes which would connect to a selenium server/hub.

如果您是在本地运行测试和目标浏览器是Chrome或/和Firefox,使用的DirectConnect ,您的测试将运行得更快。

If you are running your tests locally and your target browsers are Chrome or/and Firefox, use directConnect, your tests would run faster.


But, if you are running your tests locally and need to test against IE, Safari or other browsers, you'd go with options 1-3 (usually 1), since these browsers cannot work in "direct connect" mode.


  • What are the differences between 'Selenium-server-standalone.jar' and 'Selenium Client & WebDriver'?
  • Difference between "selenium server" and "selenium server standalone" jars


08-12 22:05