


I am starting on a fairly basic Server/Client application (logic wise), but I am a bit confused as to what I should use for my needs. It looks like there a few options, but basically I am going to have a Master Server, and X amount of client applications (one per dedicated machine). The main purpose of this setup is so that I can basically do the following...

通过ASP前端-issue命令服务器(控制台应用程序),以在远程客户机的一个安装软件。 - 服务器告诉客户端压缩包(从不同的FTP站点)下载到的位置,并将其解压到特定的路径

-Issue command to server (console app) via an ASP front end to install software on one of the remote clients.- Server tells client to download zip package (from a various FTP site) to location and extract it to specific path.


I am not positive, but it looks like C# has Sockets and then some sort of WebClient type of deal. I am assuming Sockets would be the best route to take, and to use asynchronous (each remote client is connected in its own thread, dealing with the server individually of others).


Any information on this would be great!



Without going into too much detail for your specific requirements, I would definitely look at WCF.


It encompasses a lot of the existing remoting, client / server, web services scenarios in a very complete and secure framework.

与WCF 的客户端服务器编程


08-12 21:56