

在不兼容模式下使用Vaadin 14.0.13.

Using Vaadin 14.0.13 without compatibility mode.


I use a view to create a Dialog with dynamic content:

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {

   public MainView(DialogContentProvider contentProvider) {
      this.add(new Button("Click me!", event -> new Dialog(contentProvider.create()).open()));


public interface DialogContentProvider {
    Component create();


public class CheckBoxContentProvider implements DialogContentProvider {
    public Component create() {
        return new Checkbox("My checkbox", true);

由Spring Boot(版本2.2.1.RELEASE)和一个bean实例化:

instantiated by Spring Boot (version 2.2.1.RELEASE) with a bean:

    public DialogContentProvider contentProvier() {
        return new CheckBoxContentProvider();


When I click on the button, the dialog is opened but the checkbox haven't the box:

源代码在github上: https://github.com/gronono/bug- vaadin-checkbox

The source code is on github: https://github.com/gronono/bug-vaadin-checkbox


I don't understand why and how I can fix it. If I include the checkbox creation inside the main view, it works fine:

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {

    public MainView(DialogContentProvider contentProvider) {
//        this.add(new Button("Click me!", event -> new Dialog(contentProvider.create()).open()));
        this.add(new Button("Click me!", event -> new Dialog(new Checkbox("My checkbox", true)).open()));




Basically, this happens when you don't have any View that uses a Checkbox directly, but through other means like reflection or in your case the contentProvider, because in no view of your app there is any import statement of Checkbox (--> therefore, vaadins scan during the installation will not detect usages of Checkbox, so it will not download npm stuff for checkbox).
in the github it says this will be fixed in 14.1


If you need a fix now, for me it worked when I declared a field of that type in any view with a @Route. That field doesn't have to be used.

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
    private Checkbox unusedCheckbox; // this line fixes it.

    public MainView(DialogContentProvider contentProvider) {
        this.add(new Button("Click me!", event -> new Dialog(contentProvider.create()).open()));


Addendum: This is not related to the Checkbox component specifically, it happens with any vaadin component that isn't initially scanned in a route, but used anyway through reflective-, provider-, or generic means.

当前,您还可以通过将@Route(registerAtStartup = false)添加到直接使用Checkbox的提供程序中来解决此问题.这将使vaadins扫描查看复选框的用法(因此导入其npm软件包),但实际上不会将提供程序注册为真实路由.

You can also work around this currently by adding a @Route(registerAtStartup = false) to your provider that uses the Checkbox directly. This will make vaadins scan see the checkbox usage (therefore importing its npm package), but will not actually register the provider as a real route..

如果您需要多个组件,我更喜欢的另一种方法是用@Route(registerAtStartup = false)创建一个新视图,其中 only 为应用程序中需要的每个组件定义私有变量(并且arent在您的某些视图中已经直接使用了 ).这样一来,所有这些组件使用情况定义都可以在一个地方使用,一旦发布了正式修订,您只需要删除一个类就可以了,不赞成使用的解决方法就不存在了.

Another way which I prefer if you need this for multiple components is to create a new View with a @Route(registerAtStartup = false) which only defines private variables for each component that you'll need in the application (and arent already used directly in some view of yours). This has the advantage of all these component usage definitions in one place, and once the official fix is released, you need only to delete one class and the deprecated workaround is gone.

@Route(registerAtStartup = false)
public class ComponentImportView extends VerticalLayout {
    private Checkbox checkBox;
    private Upload upload;
    private ProgressBar progressBar;


08-12 20:55