本文介绍了以编程方式重新启动Spring Boot应用程序/刷新Spring Context的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to programatically restart my Spring Application without having the user to intervene.


Basically, I have a page which allows to switch the mode of the application (actually meaning switching the currently active profile) and as far as I understand I must restart the context.


Currently my code is very simple, it's just for the restarting bit (this is Kotlin by the way):

    context = application.run(*argsArray)

但是,当我做 context.close()时,JVM立即存在。我也尝试了 context.refresh()但这似乎只是杀死了Tomcat / Jetty(只是在遇到Tomcat问题的情况下尝试了)然后没有任何反应。

However the moment I do context.close() the JVM exists immediately. I have also tried context.refresh() but that seems to simply kill Tomcat/Jetty (tried both just in case it was a Tomcat problem) and then nothing happens.

我还看过但这些答案对我来说似乎没什么用处。此外,我查看了Spring Actuator,它应该有 / restart 端点,但那似乎不再存在了?

I have also seen Programmatically restart Spring Boot application but nothing seems to work for me from those answers. Furthermore, I looked into Spring Actuator which supposedly has the /restart endpoint, but that doesn't seem to be there anymore?



即使Alex的解决方案有效,我也不相信包含2个额外的依赖项( Actuator Cloud Context )只是为了能够进行一项操作。相反,我已经结合他的答案并修改了我的代码,以便做我想做的事。

Even though Alex's solution works, I don't believe in including 2 additional dependencies (Actuator and Cloud Context) just to be able to do one operation. Instead, I have combined his answer and modified my code in order to do what I wanted.

所以,首先,它是至关重要代码是使用 new Thread() setDaemon(false); 执行的。我有以下处理重启的端点方法:

So, first of all, it is crucial that the code is executed using new Thread() and setDaemon(false);. I have the following endpoint method that handles the restart:

val restartThread = Thread {
    logger.info("Restarting... Done.")
restartThread.isDaemon = false

不需要 Thread.sleep(1000),但我希望我的控制器在实际重启应用程序之前输出视图。

The Thread.sleep(1000) is not required, but I want my controller to output the view before actually restarting the application.

SpringMain.restartToMode 具有以下内容:

@Synchronized fun restartToMode(mode: AppMode) {

    // internal logic to potentially produce a new arguments array

    // close previous context

    // and build new one using the new mode
    val builder = SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringMain::class.java)
    application = builder.application()
    context = builder.build().run(*argsArray)

其中上下文应用程序在启动应用程序时来自 main 方法:

Where context and application come from the main method upon starting the application:

val args = ArrayList<String>()
lateinit var context: ConfigurableApplicationContext
lateinit var application: SpringApplication

@JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    this.args += args

    val builder = SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringMain::class.java)
    application = builder.application()
    context = builder.build().run(*args)


I am not entirely sure if this produces any problems. If there will be, I will update this answer. Hopefully this will be of any help to others.

这篇关于以编程方式重新启动Spring Boot应用程序/刷新Spring Context的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 20:38