

本文介绍了Jqgrid treegrid滚动到逐行ID,如果折叠则展开节点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Scenario is a Jqgrid treegrid with all nodes loaded, some of them collapsed some of them expanded as a result of user interaction.Now there is a need to scroll to a specific row based on the row ID, and if the row is inside a collapsed node, then expand the node till row is visible to the user.Any hints?


要扩展TreeGrid的节点,可以使用expandRow.一个人应该另外做一个循环,并扩展该行的所有父级.可以使用getNodeParent获取直接父项.另外,应该使用scrollrows: true选项将网格滚动到选定的行.

To expand the nodes of the TreeGrid you can use expandRow. One should additionally make a loop and expand all parents of the row. One can use getNodeParent to get direct parent. Additionally one should use scrollrows: true option to scroll the grid to selected row.


The resulting demo allows to choose the row by rowid which need be selected. Clicking on "Select row by id" button do what you need:


Click event handle which I used in the demo you will see below

$("#selectId").button().click(function () {
    var idToSelect = $("#selectedId").val(), // id of the row which need be selected
        localRowData = $grid.jqGrid("getLocalRow", idToSelect);

    while (localRowData.parent !== null && localRowData.parent.toUpperCase() !== "NULL") {
        localRowData = $grid.jqGrid("getNodeParent", localRowData);
        $grid.jqGrid("expandRow", localRowData);

    // we use scrollrows: true option so the selection below
    // will scroll the grid to the selected row additionally
    $grid.jqGrid("setSelection", idToSelect);

这篇关于Jqgrid treegrid滚动到逐行ID,如果折叠则展开节点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 20:34