




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

int main()
    std::vector<int>v = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
    std::function<const int&(int)> f = [&v](int i) { return v[i];};
    std::function<const int&(int)> g = [&v](int i) -> const int& { return v[i];};

    std::cout << f(3) << ' ' << g(3) << std::endl;
    return 0;

我希望得到相同的结果:in f v 通过const引用传递,因此 v [i] 应该具有 const int& 类型。

I was expecting the same result: in f, v is passed by const reference, so v[i] should have const int& type.


 0 3

如果我不使用std :: function ,一切都很好:

If I do not use std::function, everything is fine:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

int main()
    std::vector<int>v = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
    auto f = [&v](int i) { return v[i];};
    auto g = [&v](int i) -> const int& { return v[i];};

    std::cout << f(3) << ' ' << g(3) << std::endl;
    return 0;


3 3


  1. 在第二个片段中,lambda表达式的返回类型是什么? f f g 相同吗?

在第一个片段中,当构建 std :: function f 时发生了什么,导致错误?

In the first snippet, what happened when the std::function f was constructed, causing the error?


lambda的返回类型使用 auto 返回类型推导规则,它剥离引用。 (最初它使用了一组稍微不同的基于左值到右值转换的规则(它也删除了引用),但是改变了。)

The return type of a lambda uses the auto return type deduction rules, which strips the referenceness. (Originally it used a slightly different set of rules based on lvalue-to-rvalue conversion (which also removed the reference), but that was changed by a DR.)

因此, [& v] int i){return v [i];}; 返回 int 。因此,在 std :: function< const int&(int)> f = [& v](int i){return v [i];}; ,调用 f()返回一个悬挂引用。绑定临时的引用会延长临时的生命周期,但在这种情况下,绑定发生在 std :: function 的机制中,所以到时间<$ c

Hence, [&v](int i) { return v[i];}; returns int. As a result, in std::function<const int&(int)> f = [&v](int i) { return v[i];};, calling f() returns a dangling reference. Binding a reference to a temporary extends the lifetime of the temporary, but in this case the binding happened deep inside std::function's machinery, so by the time f() returns, the temporary is gone already.


g(3) is fine because the const int & returned is bound directly to the vector element v[i], so the reference is never dangling.


08-12 20:28