




Having issues pairing data rows in SQL to identify when an item goes out, but does not return. The send and receive entries are on different rows, and there is a data relationship between the two, so I think this is doable, I'm just stumped as to the solution. The Module and User should tie together the transaction, however there is additionally a "batch" column that could be used to further ensure a unique transaction


 MODULE         USER       EVENTDTTM                ACTION     Batch
 MODULE1        USERB      2016-01-09 13:00:00      SENT        001
 MODULE1        USERB      2016-01-09 13:01:00      RECEIVED    001
 MODULE2        USERA      2016-01-09 13:00:00      SENT        001
 MODULE2        USERA      2016-01-09 13:01:00      RECEIVED    001
 MODULE1        USERA      2016-01-09 13:03:00      SENT        002
 MODULE2        USERB      2016-01-09 13:04:00      SENT        002


I've tried a to do a join on the table itself, but I'm only seeing the paired data (with crazy amounts of duplicates)...I cant find the scenarios where an item was sent, but no paired receipt was found.


select *
    (select * from T where Action = 'SENT') s
    left outer join
    (select * from T where Action = 'RECEIVED') r
        on r.Module and s.Module and r.User = s.User and r.Batch = s.Batch


From the limited amount of sample data it appears that you can uniquely determine a match by having a common module, user and batch. I'm not sure why you came up with duplicates in your queries. The only other issue appears to be using an outer join to keep the "sends" that don't have a "receive" yet.


I think you still wanted everything in the result. If you did only want the unpaired scenarios then add:

where r.Module is null


08-12 20:26