

我们希望开发一种移动应用程序,该应用程序将由多个组织中的用户使用.这些组织中的每个组织都将拥有一个Azure Active Directory租户.我们要使用Azure移动服务来对用户进行身份验证.

We want to develop a mobile application which will be used by users in multiple organizations. Each of these organizations will have an Azure Active Directory tenant owned by them. We want to use Azure Mobile Services for authenticating users.


Once the user is authenticated and the mobile app has the JWT token, it will be subsequently sent to our API gateway to access various services.

是否可以通过这样的方式使用Azure移动服务身份组件,使该应用可以针对多个Active Directory租户进行身份验证?换句话说,我们可以创建一个多租户移动应用程序来对不同组织拥有的多个Azure Active Directory租户进行身份验证吗?

Is is possible to use Azure mobile service Identity component in such a way that the app can authenticate against multiple Active Directory tenants? In other words can we create a multi-tenant mobile app which can authenticate against multiple Azure Active Directory tenants owned by different organizations?

Azure Active Directory确实支持多租户Web应用的开发提供了演示此功能的示例应用程序.但是,是否可以使用Azure移动服务在移动应用程序中实现相同的功能?

Azure Active Directory does support development of multi-tenant web apps and there are sample applications available which demonstrates this capability. However is it possible to achieve the same functionality in a mobile app using Azure mobile services?


很有可能构建由Azure Active Directory身份验证支持的多租户移动应用程序.但是,我怀疑移动服务能否在此方面有所帮助.相反,我建议创建具有AD身份验证的WebAPI项目,并在移动应用程序中使用这些API.您提到的示例可能非常有用.

It is very much possible to build multi-tenant mobile apps backed by Azure Active Directory authentication. However, I doubt if Mobile Service will help here. Rather, I'll recommend creating a WebAPI project with AD authentication and consume those APIs in mobile apps. The samples that you've mentioned can be very much useful.


08-12 19:40