

在 Orders 和 OrderLines 的经典案例中,每个 OrderLine 都有对其父 Order 的引用.当我将 OrderLine 保存到 RavenDB 时,它会保存完整 Order 记录的副本作为每个 OrderLine 的属性.我如何让它只保存订单的链接?像这样:

In the classic case of Orders and OrderLines, each OrderLine has a reference to its parent Order. When I save my OrderLine to RavenDB, it saves a copy of the full Order record as a property of each OrderLine. How do I get it to save only the link to the Order instead? Like this:

...other orderline properties...
Order : "orders/123"


        ...other orderline properties...
        Order : {
    ...all properties for order 123...


欢迎使用非关系型数据库!订单行没有 ID.他们不会被放入自己的文件中.它们存储在重要的地方 - 与订单一起!

Welcome to non-relational databases! Order lines don't get ids. They don't get put in their own documents. They are stored where it matters - with the Order!

public class OrderLine
    public string Product { get; set; }
    public int Quantity { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

public class Order
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string CustomerId { get; set; }
    public List<OrderLine> Lines { get; set; }
    public decimal Total { get; set; }


    "CustomerId": "customers/456",
    "Lines": [
        { "Product": "Foo", "Quantity": 2, "Price": 10.00 },
        { "Product": "Bar", "Quantity": 3, "Price": 20.00 },
        { "Product": "Baz", "Quantity": 4, "Price": 30.00 }
    "Total": 200.00



09-17 23:53