Let us say, that I have a table structured like this: tblExpenses===========uid autonumber (key)ExpenseArea textExpenseType textYear NumberValue Number With the following posts: uid ExpenseArea ExpenseType Year Value=== =========== =========== ==== =====001 Gynger Investering 2010 15002 Gynger Investering 2011 10003 Gynger Investering 2012 8004 Gynger Investering 2013 12005 Gynger Investering 2014 13006 Gynger Drift 2010 2007 Gynger Drift 2011 2008 Gynger Drift 2012 3009 Gynger Drift 2013 2010 Gynger Drift 2014 3011 Karuseller Drift 2010 12012 Karuseller Drift 2011 12013 Karuseller Drift 2012 13014 Karuseller Drift 2013 12015 Karuseller Drift 2014 13 Using the below query I get the data summed for each year. TRANSFORM Sum(tblExpenses.Value) AS SumOfValueSELECT tblExpenses.[ExpenseArea], tblExpenses.[ExpenseType]FROM tblExpensesGROUP BY tblExpenses.[ExpenseArea], tblExpenses.[ExpenseType]PIVOT tblExpenses.[Year]; Now, As you can see in the dataset, there are no values for ''Karuseller'', ''Investering'', and my question is, if there is some way of forcing the query to return a row for this but without any values? One thought I had was to have the expensetypes listed in a separate table and using a nested SQL (or something along those lines) to force it to show all expensetypes as described. /Soren 解决方案 这篇关于当没有值时,如何强制交叉制表符显示行?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-11 19:06