

我正在编写J2EE / JPA / Spring 3应用程序,试图保持纯粹的JPA 2.0。我想得到一些子对象,而不必加载它们,因为它显然是一个昂贵的操作。例如,这是一个简化的例子

I'm writing a J2EE/JPA/Spring 3 application, trying to stay pure JPA 2.0. I want to get a count of child objects without having to load them, as it's obviously an expensive operation. For example here's a simplified example

 - OrgID
 - OrgName

 - EmployeeID
 - OrgID (key to Organisation table)
 - EmployeeName


On a jsp page I want to show the list of all organisations and a count of the number of employees without loading the employees themselves. If it can be a single database hit that loads all the Organisation objects and somehow loads a count of the Employee objects that would be great. I'd rather avoid one query to list the organisations then one for each organisation to count the employees. I guess I could add a transient property to hold the count, I'm not sure how to best do that.


Just to give an idea of scale, there will be around 50 organisations, and each organisation will have between 0 and 500 employees. I would rather avoid any implementation specific extensions, as I've changed JPA providers once and may change again.


In SQL I'd just do a join, group, and count, but I don't have a clue how to do it in JPA. Any help appreciated!


您可以直接选择您定义的对象作为保存组织的结果和计数。然后你只需编写查询。唯一的诀窍是您必须按组织的每个字段手动分组。 'GROUP BY ORGANIZATION'不合法。

You can select directly into an object that you define to be the result that holds the organisation and the count. Then you just write the query. The only trick is that you have to manually group by every field on the Organisation. 'GROUP BY ORGANISATION' is not legal.

public class OrgWithEmpCount {
  private Organisation org;
  private Long empCount;
  public OrgWithEmpCount(Organisation org, Long empCount) {
    this.org = org;
    this.empCount = empCount;

Select new full.package.OrgWithEmpCount(o, count(e.employeeId))
from Organisation o, IN(o.employees) e
group by o.orgId, o.orgName, o.whateverElse


08-12 17:53