




In my Angular app, I have the following route structure:

.state('mapping', {
    url: '/mapping',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/mapping/mapping.html',
    controller: 'MapCtrl as map',
    abstract: true,
    authenticate: true
.state('mapping.all', {
    url: '',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/mapping/partials/all.html',
    authenticate: true
.state('mapping.project', {
    url: '/:projectName',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/mapping/partials/project.html',
    controller: 'ProjectCtrl as proj',
    authenticate: true

在访问映射状态, mapping.all 默认加载的。它基本上示出其中链接到mapping.project状态项目的清单,因为这样的:

When accessing the mapping state, mapping.all loads by default. It basically shows a list of projects which link to the mapping.project state, as such:

<a ui-sref="mapping.project({projectId: project.id, projectName: project.name})">...</a>

我要叫 ProjectCtrl 当我访问 mapping.project 以加载必要的数据,但它甚至从来没有被加载。在下面的代码片段仅包括相关数据显示,警报消息从来没有弹出:

I want to call the ProjectCtrl when I access mapping.project in order to load the necessary data, but it never even gets loaded. In the snippet below which includes only relevant data, the alert message never pops up:

    .controller('ProjectCtrl', Controller);

Controller.$inject = ['$stateParams', 'UserFactory', 'ProjectFactory'];

function Controller($stateParams, UserFactory, ProjectFactory) {
    var proj = this;


    function activate() {

JS文件是正确链接并且所述控制器被正确地命名。在&LT;格UI的视图&gt;&LT; / DIV&GT; 元素放置在 mapping.html ,如下图所示

The js file is correctly linked and the controller is named correctly. The <div ui-view></div> element is placed within mapping.html, as seen below:

<div id="ribbon" class="no-print">
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <p class="text-muted">In this section...</p>

<div ui-view></div>


Why is this controller not loading?


It gets weirder, I switched the structure to:

.state('mapping', {
    url: '/mapping',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/mapping/mapping.html',
    abstract: true,
    authenticate: true
.state('mapping.all', {
    url: '',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/mapping/partials/all.html',
    controller: 'MapCtrl as map',
    authenticate: true
.state('mapping.project', {
    url: '/:projectName',
    templateUrl: 'app/components/mapping/partials/project.html',
    controller: 'ProjectCtrl as proj',
    authenticate: true

虽然 MapCtrl 一直工作正常, ProjectCtrl 还没有。

And while MapCtrl keeps working correctly, ProjectCtrl still doesn't.


发现问题......有这个项目 ProjectCtrl 的两个实例:

Found the issue... There were two instances of ProjectCtrl in this project:

显然,这会导致某种无声的冲突,因为当时绝对没有控制台错误。由于二审还挂在 index.html的之后的,我想加载,它可能是简单地更换正确的版本之一。调试的噩梦。

Apparently, this causes some sort of silent conflict because there was absolutely no console error. Since the second instance was also linked on index.html, after the one that I wanted to load, it was probably simply replacing the correct version. Debugging nightmare.



08-12 17:24