

var loaderGif = "https://www.tietennis.com/img/loaders/LoaderIcon.gif"

var processingImageUrl = '<img id="imgProcessing" src="' + loaderGif + '" />'

$(document).on("click", "input[name='PermissionID']", function() {
    var PermissionCheckBox = $(this)[0];

        method: "POST",
        url:    "https://httpbin.org/post",
        cache:  false,
        async:  true,
        beforeSend: function(xhr, opts) {
        success: function(result) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
             Check me:
             <input name="PermissionID" type="checkbox" value="1">


I was actually trying to convert the jQuery code to vue.js.


I am trying to find a way if I could put the image with checkbox on click in vue.js.


I tried below code, but now sure how could I use event passed from checkbox to add image and remove it

updatePermission(roleModulePermissionID, event) {


Can you suggest something for this?



In Vue, you (optimally) don't directly manipulate the DOM. You manipulate the data and configure the template to react to that data according to what you need.


To create multiple rows, use v-for.

因此,例如,而不是添加和删除正在加载图像",您将创建一个<img>,其显示取决于您的data中的某些标志 >,说permission.loading:

So, for instance, instead of adding and removing a "loading image", you would create an <img> whose display depended on some flag from your data, say permission.loading:

<img v-show="permission.loading" :src="loadingImg">


That way, when you set permission.loading to true, the loading image will show. When you set permission.loading to false it will hide.


Since you want to show it while the Ajax is performing, set permission.loading to true before calling the Ajax (the fetch() below) and set permission.loading to false when it completes.


new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    loadingImg: "https://www.tietennis.com/img/loaders/LoaderIcon.gif", // for demo purposes
    permissions: [{
      id: 1,
      label: 'Permission to Take off',
      ticked: false,
      loading: false,
      postURL: "https://httpbin.org/post?take-off" // demo URL
      id: 2,
      label: 'Permission to Board',
      ticked: true,
      loading: false,
      postURL: "https://httpbin.org/post?board" // demo URL
      id: 3,
      label: 'Permission to Land',
      ticked: false,
      loading: false,
      postURL: "https://httpbin.org/post?land" // demo URL
  methods: {
    updatePermission(permission) {
      permission.loading = true; // set loading and image will be shown
      fetch(permission.postURL, {method: "POST", body: {}})
        .then(() => permission.loading = false); // setting to false will make it disappear
img { height: 17px; margin-bottom: -1px; }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<div id="app">
    <tr v-for="permission in permissions">
          {{ permission.label }}:
          <input name="PermissionID" type="checkbox" :value="permission.id" @change="updatePermission(permission)" v-model="permission.ticked" :disabled="permission.loading">
        <img v-show="permission.loading" :src="loadingImg">


I also would add a :disabled="permission.loading" to prevent another click when it is loading.


08-12 17:21