本文介绍了TypeScript 导入路径别名的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在开发一个 TypeScript 应用程序,它由多个用 TypeScript 编写的 Node 模块组成,这些模块安装在 node_modules 目录中.

I am currently working on a TypeScript application which is comprised of multiple Node modules written in TypeScript, that are installed into the node_modules directory.

在继续之前,我想说明我使用的是 TypeScript 2.0,如果需要的话,我也不反对使用 2.1 开发版.我只是想让这个工作.

Before continuing, I would like to note that I am using TypeScript 2.0, I am not adverse to using the 2.1 dev release if need be as well. I just want to get this working.

每个 Node 模块的结构大致如下:

The structure of each Node module is something along the lines of:


dist 文件夹是生成的源,此路径是使用我的 tsconfig.json 文件中的 outDir 配置的.我还将 package.json 中的 main 属性配置为 dist/es2015/index.js.

The dist folder is the generated source, with this path being configured using outDir inside of my tsconfig.json file. I have also configured the main property in my package.json to be dist/es2015/index.js.


  • 在我的项目中,我使用 moduleResolution 类型的 node
  • 我使用的是 TypeScript 2.0
  • 我不是在问如何从包中导入文件.我正在通过 Npm 安装包,然后通过 packagename/ 从使用此模块的应用程序中导入它.
  • In my project I am using moduleResolution type of node
  • I am using TypeScript 2.0
  • I am not asking how to import a file from within the package. I am installing the package via Npm and then importing it via packagename/ from within an application that is using this module.


Now comes my question/issue. Whilst importing files from this module, I would like to be able to do this:

import {Sin, Cos, Tan} from "common-utils/utils/Calculator";

但是,该文件无法解析到 dist/es2015/utils 目录.理想情况下,我希望我的导入从这个特定的 dist 文件夹而不是从根目录解析,这似乎正在发生.

However, the file cannot resolve to the dist/es2015/utils directory. Ideally I would like my imports to resolve from this specific dist folder and not from the root, which is what appears to be happening.


The above import needs to be written as the following to get it to work:

import {Sin, Cos, Tan} from "common-utils/dist/es2015/utils/Calculator";

然而,每次编写 dist/es2015 并不理想,它只会让一些导入看起来很长.有没有办法可以配置我的模块以解析到 dist/es2015 目录?我不想在我的项目中放置覆盖,理想情况下每个模块都会指定文件的解析位置.

However, writing dist/es2015 each time is not ideal and it just makes some of the imports look really long. Is there a way I can configure my module to resolve to the dist/es2015 directory? I don't want to have to put in overrides inside of my project, ideally each module would specify where files are resolved from.

如果您在创建要与 Jspm 一起使用的插件/模块时仍然不确定我在 Jspm 中要问什么(如果这令人困惑,我深表歉意),您可以在 package.json 中指定模块的代码>类似于以下内容:

If you are still unsure what I am asking (and I apologise if this is confusing) in Jspm when you create a plugin/module to be used with Jspm, you can specify inside of the package.json for the module something like the following:

  "jspm": {
    "registry": "npm",
    "jspmPackage": true,
    "main": "my-module",
    "format": "amd",
    "directories": {
      "dist": "dist/amd"

我正在 TypeScript 中寻找与上述内容等效的内容(如果存在).映射指令,因此当最终用户运行 npm install my-cool-package 然后在他们的应用程序中尝试导入某些内容时,所有导入默认解析为 commonjs 目录(上面的 Jspm 示例使用 amd,但前提相同).

I am looking for the equivalent of the above in TypeScript (if it exists). A mapping directive, so when the end user runs npm install my-cool-package and then in their app tries to import something, all imports by default resolve to the commonjs directory (the above example for Jspm uses amd, but same premise).


Is this possible or am I misunderstanding something here? I know some new path mapping features were added into the latest release, but documentation on using them is almost nonexistent.


所以在阅读您的评论后,我意识到我误解了您的问题!如果您想从导入的包的角度控制路径,只需将 package.jsonmain 属性设置为正确表示模块对象图的文件.

So after reading your comment, I realized I misunderstood your question! If you want to control the paths from an imported package's perspective, just use set the main property of your package.json to a file that properly represents the object graph of your module.

  "main": "common-utils/dist/es2015/index.js"

如果您试图从项目的角度控制导入路径,那么您正在寻找的是 TypeScript 2 用于模块解析的新路径映射功能.你可以通过如下配置你的 tsconfig.json 来启用路径映射:

If you're attempting to control the import paths from a project's perspective, what you're looking for is TypeScript 2's new path mapping feature for module resolution. You can enable path mapping by configuring your tsconfig.json as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "angular2/*": ["../path/to/angular2/*"],
      "local/*": ["../path/to/local/modules/*"]

然后,在您的 TypeScript 文件中,您可以像这样导入模块:

Then, in your TypeScript files, you can import the modules like this:

import { bootstrap } from 'angular2/bootstrap';
import { module } from 'local/module';

有关 TypeScript 2 中路径映射功能的更多详细信息,请参阅此 Github 问题.

For more details about the Path Mapping feature in TypeScript 2 see this Github issue.


In your case, I think the following configuration should work:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "common-utils/utils/*": ["./node_modules/common-utils/dist/es2015/utils/*"]

这篇关于TypeScript 导入路径别名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 17:16