


I was setting up a simple router in Backbone.js while I noted an issue, I googled for a long time and found some solutions.


The problem is that whenever I navigate to a url, this url will work while I'm inside the app itself, but once you bookmark it and return it will obviously return a 404 since that page doesn't exist.

Backbone.history.navigate('test', true);

这将导航到 http://www.domain.com/test ,这是伟大的,但一旦你刷新相同的URL它返回一个404。

This will navigate to http://www.domain.com/test, which is great, but once you refresh the same URL it returns a 404.

有办法得到这个使用特定的的.htaccess 文件的工作,但我建立这个现有的网站里面,所以我不能用这个

There are ways to get this to work with using a specific .htaccess file, but I'm building this inside an existing website, so I can't use this.

有没有Backbone.js的方式回复到只是用hashbangs?那么我的网址看起来像这样` http://www.domain.com/#!/test

Is there a way in Backbone.js to revert to just using hashbangs? My url would then look like this `http://www.domain.com/#!/testThis might not be the cleanest URL, but at least it will work.


Or am I just missing something obvious here? It can't be that I'm the only person with this problem.


您正在使用 pushState的根据您的网址,所以你有两个主要选择:

You're using pushState according to your url, so you've got 2 main options:

在第二种情况下,如果你不关心搜索引擎优化,你可以有一个包罗万象的规则总是返回(例如) index.html的包含您的主干应用程序。当您启动主干的历史,它将lokk在URL并导航到正确的页面(虽然你可能有一个双重渲染效应)。

In the second case, if you don't care about SEO, you can have a catch all rule always returning (e.g.) index.html containing your Backbone app. When you start Backbone's history, it will lokk at the URL and navigate to the proper page (although you might have a "double render" effect).


If you're worried about SEO, you need to return page content for SEO along with your Backbone app.
