




I have quite a lot of anchors to picture in doxygen, e.g.

\anchor pic_foo
\image html foo.gif "My Caption"
\anchor pic_bar
\image html bar.gif "My Caption"


Everytime when I use \ref to link one of those, I have to make upsome nice description so the raw name of the anchor doesn't appear inoutput.


Is it possible to have something like numbered anchors in doxygenwhere the link text will be the number of that anchor? Ideallysomething like:

\anchor pic_foo
\image html foo.gif "My Caption"
\anchor pic_bar
\image html bar.gif "My Caption"

As Figure \ref pic_foo shows... Figure \ref pic_bar is...


As Figure 1 shows... Figure 2 is...


where the number is the link. I would be happy with every kind of counting scheme (documentation global or page local).


我认为使用doxygen不可能在页面内或整个文档中自动显示数字(我很乐意予以纠正这里).但是,解决您的问题的一个简单方法是将锚文本替换为拼写数字,即一个",两个",三个" ...等.或者,如果您有很多数字,则可以使用罗马数字.普通数字似乎不能用作锚点链接.

I don't think that automatic number of figures, either within a page or across the whole documentation, is possible with doxygen (I would be happy to be corrected here). However, an easy solution to your question is the replace your anchor text with spelt out numbers, i.e. "one", "two", "three"... etc. Alternatively, if you have lots of figures you could use Roman numerals. Plain numbers don't seem to work as anchor links.


Your example will then become, with additional text in the figure captions,

\anchor one
\image html foo.gif "Figure one: My Caption"
\anchor two
\image html bar.gif "Figure two: My Caption"

As Figure \ref one shows... Figure \ref two is...


Here Figure one shows... Figure two is...


with one and two hyperlinks to your figures.

然后,您可以在配置文件中定义一个别名,例如\fref,定义为Figure \ref,它将自动在超链接的数字前加上文本"Figure".

You can then define a alias in your configuration file, say \fref, defined to be Figure \ref which will automatically preceed the hyperlinked numbers with the text "Figure".


Is this solution acceptable? The only other alternative I can think of involves post processing the doxygen output, but the above solution is by far the simplest.



The following Python code will transform anchor references to an incrementing counter:

# Test documentation.
s = r"""
\anchor pic_foo
\image html foo.gif "My Caption"
\anchor pic_bar
\image html bar.gif "My Caption"

As Figure \ref pic_foo shows... Figure \ref pic_bar is...

# Split string into a list of lines.
s = s.split('\n')

# Dictionaries for mapping anchor names to an incrementing counter.
d = {}

numbers = {1: 'one',
    2 : 'two',
    3 : 'three'}

counter = 1

# Find all anchor links and map to the next counter value.
for line in s:
    if r'\anchor' in line:
        d[line.split(r'\anchor ')[1]] = numbers[counter]
        counter += 1

# Reform original string.
s = '\n'.join(s)

# Replace anchor links with appropriate counter value.
for key, value in d.items():
    s = s.replace(key, value)

print s


\anchor one
\image html foo.gif "My Caption"
\anchor two
\image html bar.gif "My Caption"

As Figure \ref one shows... Figure \ref two is...


It is trivial to modify the above script to read from standard input and write to standard out, so this can easily be used in conjunction with the INPUT_FILTER configuration file option.


One thing to note is that the dictionary numbers has to be extended to allow for more than three figures to be included. This is again trivial, but probably not easily scalable. Solutions for mapping from arbitrary numbers to the appropriate word(s) are available (see other questions on this site) so I haven't bothered to implement this here.


08-12 15:09