本文介绍了角 - UI路由器 - 状态重入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



例如。用户要刷新页面,所以他点击下面到该页面的链接。但是目前链接无法点击,因为它去到相同的页面和状态不会改变。用浏览器按钮,刷新不工作,所以它再重新加载整个SPA - 是不可取的。

E.g. user wants to refresh page, so he clicks the link that follows to that page. But currently the link isn't clickable, as it goes to the same page and the state doesn't change. Refreshing with browser button does work, so it reloads entire SPA again - isn't desirable.

这个问题 - Angular JS - 角UI路由器 - 重装当前状态 - 刷新数据 - 描述了类似的效果。是否有可能改变这种解决方案 - - 定义默认行为?

This question - Angular JS - Angular UI Router - Reloading current state - refresh data - describes similar effect. Is it possible to change this solution - http://stackoverflow.com/a/23198743/404099 - to define the default behavior?


By the way, probably my approach is incorrect and I'm missing some basic idea in UI Router. Please point out if this is the case.



I second what @Sabacc said, but if you still instead, here you go:

.config(function($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('$state', function($delegate)
        $delegate.go = function(to, params, options)
            return $delegate.transitionTo(to, params, angular.extend(
                reload: true,
                inherit: true,
                relative: $delegate.$current
            }, options));
        return $delegate;

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08-12 15:06