




I developed a WPF application and when I launch it in the debug mode I see the following in the output:

WpfApplication1.vshost.exe(管理  (V2.0.50727)):加载  C:\ WINDOWS \组装\ GAC_MSIL \ System.Deployment \ \ System.Deployment.dll',  符号加载。第一次机会  异常类型  System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException  发生在System.Deployment.dll  其他信息:应用程序  身份未设置。


If I use a control from this application in another WPF application, there are 7 such messages in the output. Nevertheless, the application works fine.

你能解释为什么这些抛出的异常的原因是什么?我发现,该方法 ApplicationDeployment.get_CurrentDeployment 提出了他们。在MSDN上记着,当此异常出现您试图调用从非ClickOnce应用程序这个静态的财产。我不明白是什么意思。

Could you explain the reason why these exceptions thrown? I found that the method ApplicationDeployment.get_CurrentDeployment raises them. In the MSDN it is written that this exception arises when "You attempted to call this static property from a non-ClickOnce application." I can’t understand what it means.

我发现类似的帖子InvalidDeploymentException - 应用程序标识没有设置但没有回答这个问题。

I found similar post InvalidDeploymentException - Application identity is not set but there is no answer to this question.



This is a "first chance exception", which means the debugger is simply notifying you that an exception was thrown, rather than that one was unhandled.

.NET框架的抛出和捕获该异常内部,调试器会告诉你,它发生在约code。在 System.Deployment.dll 。唯一的例外时引发试图访问用户/网络信息,但是当它发生在底层code为捕捉异常,并自动恢复执行。还有,你可以做什么,它是相对无害的。

The .NET Framework is throwing and catching that exception internally—the debugger tells you that it occurs in some code in System.Deployment.dll. The exception is raised when an attempt is made to access user/network information, but the underlying code is catching the exception when it occurs and automatically resuming execution. There's nothing you can do about it, and it's relatively harmless.


You are most likely attempting to retrieve the AppData path for the current user, in which case the Framework needs to determine if your application is a normal app or a ClickOnce app in order to return the correct path. If you are a ClickOnce app, the correct data is simply returned. Otherwise, an exception is thrown, which is caught by the Framework and the assumption is made that your application is not a ClickOnce app, causing the standard user path to be returned instead.


There are a number of exceptions that are thrown and handled while an application is running. There's no harm unless they're unhandled. If this really bugs you, you can customize the exceptions about which the debugger informs you. For example:

  1. 从调试菜单,打开例外窗口。
  2. 展开通用语言运行时例外 - >System.Deployment.Application
  3. 取消勾选​​框旁边的System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException。


08-12 14:52