


I have a page containing a PrimeFaces (2.2.1) Editor component, a Refresh button and a selectOneMenu, whose selection affects the contents of the Editor, as follows:

<p:editor id="uploadedText" value="#{facilityDataUploadBean.uploadedText}"
          width="600" height="180" disabled="true" controls="" />
<h:commandButton value="Refresh" immediate="true" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="skipLines" styleClass="dropdown"
    <f:selectItems value="#{facilityDataUploadBean.skipLinesList}" />
    <f:ajax listener="#{facilityDataUploadBean.importParameterChanged}" />

facilityDataUploadBean.importParameterChanged更新facilityDataUploadBean.uploadedText.更改selectOneMenu值后,操作员按Refresh按钮刷新页面,包括p:editor的内容. (我不能简单地使用AJAX刷新p:editor,因为至少在PF 2.2.1中它不能正确地重新渲染).

facilityDataUploadBean.importParameterChanged updates facilityDataUploadBean.uploadedText. After changing the selectOneMenu value, the operator presses the Refresh button to refresh the page, including the contents of the p:editor. (I cannot simply refresh the p:editor using AJAX, because it doesn't re-render correctly, at least in PF 2.2.1.)


It seems like I ought to be able to accomplish the page refresh automatically when the selectOneMenu value is changed, but I've been unable to come up with a combination of attributes and events that will do that. I've tried various combinations of onchange="submit();", immediate="true" and valueChangeListener on the selectOneMenu, as well as execute="@all/@form", render="@all/@form" on the f:ajax event, all to no avail. My current workaround is to display a message asking the user to press the Refresh button whenever they change the selectOneMenu selection - pretty hokey.



Invoke window.location.replace(window.location.href) rather than submit() in the onchange event, as in:

<h:selectOneMenu id="skipLines" ... onchange="window.location.replace(window.location.href);">
    <f:selectItems ... />
    <f:ajax ... />


08-12 14:32