I have some div elements with 2 endpoints for each element (one the left and one the right side).Now I want to delete every right sided endpoint.Everyone of this endpoints has its own unique uuid.I got an array of every uuid of the right sided endpoints -> iterate through them and delete every single one of them but this wont work
can anyone give me an working example of deleting an endpoint by uuid or object ?in my case it wont work with both. I got this errormessage every time:
TypeError: o is undefinedjquery.jsPlumb-1.4.1-all.jsLine 681
//the uuid
var currentUuid = 'rightEndpoint_'+this;
//the endpoint object -> that acutually works
var getCurrentEndpoint = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(currentUuid);
//delete the endpoint -> here I got the error message
var that=$('div'); //get all of your DIV tags having endpoints
for (var i=0;i<that.length;i++) {
var endpoints = jsPlumb.getEndpoints($(that[i])); //get all endpoints of that DIV
for (var m=0;m<endpoints.length;m++) {
if(endpoints[m].anchor.type=="Right") //Endpoint on right side
jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(endpoints[m]); //remove endpoint
By using above code there will be no need to store the Endpoints uuid.
这篇关于jsplumb 1.4.1 deleteEndpoint通过uuid或对象示例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!