



我写了一个广泛的Access Data Project前端,并具有标准化的SQL后端.最新版本的Access不支持adp.我想产生一个新的基于Web的前端,不会像adp那样老化".对于网页以及寻找一些基本的方向和理解,我非常环保.也许我会选一些课程.我在一家制造工厂工作,担任电气设计师.数据库具有关于我们的图纸,电机以及电机驱动的设备的记录;总共约有30,000条记录.它还能够利用VBA打开工程图并生成pdf.不知道是否可以通过网页来完成.




研究了一些现成的东西,例如Autocad Vault,或者可以从外部公司获得的东西,例如Adept.两者都不能很好地满足我们的需求.

I wrote an extensive Access Data Project front end with a well normalized SQL back end. Newest versions of Access does not support adp. Am wanting to produce a new web-based front end that will not "age out" as the adp did. I am very green when it comes to web pages and looking for some basic direction and understanding. Perhaps there will be some courses I can take. I am employed at a manufacturing plant as the Electrical Designer. The db has records about our drawings, our motors, and the equipment the motors drive; about 30,000 records in all. It also is able to utilize VBA to open drawings and produce pdfs. Don''t know if this could be done with a web page.

I am hoping to find something besides Microsoft, yet something that is well known that others may be able to build upon. As far as our IT dept helping, it ain''t going to happen... I have a great deal of trouble with MS applications. The instructions are always fact-based, specific-procedure oriented rather than concept-based, general-function oriented. It''s just how I think and learn.

So can any of you fine folks help me out?

What I have tried:

Investigated some things that are either of the shelf, such as Autocad Vault, or available from outside firms, such as Adept. Neither fit our needs very well. It seems it will need to be something custom built in-house.



08-12 13:22