这个矩阵到另一个阵列(@ ARR1),并通过它迭代查找是否有任何元件
I have a hash whose values are arrays. I need to find the common elements of those arrays,ie. the elements that are present in all the arrays. So I extracted the values of the hash intoa multidimensional array whose each row corresponds to an array in the hash. Then I took the first rowof this matrix into another array (@arr1) and iterated through it to find if there was any elementin arr1 that was also in the rest of the rows of the matrix. If such an element is found, it ispushed onto another array that contains the final list of all the elements. The code is as follows(I hope it is clear enough):
sub construct_arr(my %records) {
my $len = keys %records;
my @matrix;
my $i = 0;
# Extract the values of the hash into a matrix
foreach my $key (keys %records) {
$matrix[$i] = $records{$key};
my @arr1 = $matrix[0];
my @final;
# Iterate through each element of arr1
for my $j (0..$#{$arr1[0]}) {
my $count = 1;
# Iterate through each row of the matrix, starting from the second
for ( my $i = 1; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
my $flag = 0;
# Iterate through each element of the row
for my $k (0..$#{$matrix[$i]}) {
if ($arr1[0][$j] eq $matrix[$i][$k]) {
$flag = 1;
# On finding the first instance of the element in a row, go to the next row
if (!$flag == 1) {
# If element is in all the rows, push it on to the final array
if ($count == $len) {
push(@final, $arr1[0][$j]);
return @final;
太。任何指导,将AP preciated。谢谢!
I know that the above works, but I would like to know if there is any other (perlish) way to do this.I am starting to learn perl and I am very interested in knowing things that could make my work easierin perl as compared to other languages. If my code is the best that can be done, please let me know thattoo. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
Take a look at Chris Charley's link for calculating the intersection of arrays.
Hashes are the clear way to go for problems like this. Together with map
and grep
a solution can be reduced to just a few lines.
This program uses sundar's data for want of anything better, and seems to do what you need.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %records = (
a => [ qw/ A B C / ],
b => [ qw/ C D E A / ],
c => [ qw/ A C E / ],
print "$_\n" for construct_arr(\%records);
sub construct_arr {
my $records = shift;
my %seen;
$seen{$_}++ for map @$_, values %$records;
grep $seen{$_} == keys %$records, keys %seen;
I thought it may help to see a more Perlish, tidied version of your own solution.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %records = (
a => [ qw/ A B C / ],
b => [ qw/ C D E A / ],
c => [ qw/ A C E / ],
print "$_\n" for construct_arr(\%records);
sub construct_arr {
my $records = shift;
my @matrix = values %$records;
my @final;
# iterate through each element the first row
for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$matrix[0]} ) {
my $count = 1;
# look for this value in all the rest of the rows, dropping
# out to the next row as soon as a match is found
for my $j ( 1 .. $#matrix ) {
for my $k (0 .. $#{$matrix[$j]}) {
next unless $matrix[0][$i] eq $matrix[$j][$k];
next ROW;
# If element is in all the rows, push it on to the final array
push @final, $matrix[0][$i] if $count == @matrix;
return @final;
The output is the same as for my own program, but the functionality is slightly different as mine assumes the values in each row are unique. If the sama value appears more than once my solution will break (the same applies to sundar's). Please let me know if that is acceptable.