




I'm looking for an more efficient alternative to brute force for finding the longest sub array of an array with a non-negative sum. The numbers range from -5 to 5 in this array.

例如,如果你有一个数组 A

For example, if you have an array A:

4 2-5 3 0 -2 -2 -3 4 -4 -3 -2 1

4 2 -5 3 0 -2 -2 -3 4 -4 -3 -2 1


4 2 -5 3 0 -2 -2 -3 4,具有的长度9

4 2 -5 3 0 -2 -2 -3 4, with the length of 9

我在想解决的办法是保持一个最佳的解决方案的策略,和最好的后缀,其中最好的后缀总是与最后一个点检查结束 A [1] 。如果最佳后缀是有史以来长于最佳解决方案,我们更新为最好后缀的最佳解决方案。

The solution I'm thinking of is to keeping tack of a best solution, and a best suffix, where the best suffix always ends with the last point checked A[i]. If the best suffix is ever longer than best solution, we update the best solution to the best suffix.


The suffix would be made of a negative subarray sandwiched between two positive sub arrays.So, in this case starting from left to right:

4 2是第一正子阵列-5是负子阵列3 0 -2是第二正子阵列

4 2 is the first positive sub array-5 is the negative sub array3 0 -2 is second positive sub array


Then the program checks if the sum of two positive sub arrays is larger than the negative sub array. If so, the whole best suffix becomes the new first positive sub arrays. If not, then the first positive and negative sub array are dumped and the second positive sub array becomes the first sub array, and so on.


In theory the program should be able to incrementally check for the best solution in linear time.



So Im looking for a better solution for this, or at-least a hint towards a better direction

任何帮助将是AP preciated!

Any help would be appreciated!


这就是所谓的最长的偏见区间,是生物学的一个常见问题。下面是该算法(在这里,你的情况→== 0 ):

This is called the "longest biased interval" and is a common problem in biology. Here is the algorithm (where in your case L==0):

Input: A nonempty array of n real numbers `A[1 . . . n]` and a lower bound `L`.

Output: The start and end index of the longest segment of `A` with sum at least `L`.

C[0 . . . n] and M[0 . . . n] are arrays of size n +1, as defined in the context.

M[0]←C[0]←0; x←y←0;
for i←1 to n do
    C[i]←C[i −1] + A[i];
    if C[i −1]<C[M[i −1]] then M[i]←i −1 else M[i] = M[i −1];
    k←i −y +x − 1;
    while k >0 do
        if C[i] − C[M[k]] >= L then k←M[k] else break;
        x←k +1; y←i;
    end while
    OUTPUT A(x, y);
end for

见陈,关宇,和坤茂超。 优化算法用于定位所述最长和最短的线段满足的总和或平均约束。信息处理快报96.6(2005):197-201

See Chen, Kuan-Yu, and Kun-Mao Chao. "Optimal algorithms for locating the longest and shortest segments satisfying a sum or an average constraint." Information Processing Letters 96.6 (2005): 197-201.



08-12 12:36