



我要完成的工作是读取CSV文件并获取每行中的逗号计数。所有CSV文件都相同。有9列,它们之间用(,)隔开,所以我写了一个简单的函数来读取文件并使用 foreach 循环读取文件中的每一行。

What I'm trying to accomplish is to read CSV file and get the count of commas in each row. ALL CSV files are identical. Have 9 columns and they are separated by (,) So I wrote a simple function that reads the files and using foreach loop I read each line in the file.

public static void readCSVFile(string path)
      string _path = path;

      string [] text = File.ReadAllLines(_path);

      foreach (string line in text)
          string currentLine = line;
          Console.WriteLine("\t" + line);


因此通常 currentLine 将具有以下输出:

So typically currentLine will have an output like this:

总共有八个。如何以编程方式获取每行中个逗号的总数,因此我可以在 foreach 中执行类似的操作循环:

There're total of eight , in the line. How can I programmatically get the total number of commas in each line, so I can do something like this in my foreach loop:

foreach (string line in text)
   string currentLine = line;

   if (totalNumberOfCommas == 8)
        //do something
        //do something else


如果您只想要计算逗号,您可以利用字符串实现 IEnumerable< char> 的事实,因此可以使用 Count 像这样:

If you just want to count the commas, you can take advantage of the fact that string implements IEnumerable<char>, so you can use Count like this:

var commas = line.Count(c => c == ',');


08-12 12:06