


I'm having a little trouble with finding the last row.


What I am trying to do is find the last row in column "A", then use that to find the last row within a range.


 1) LR_wbSelect = wbshtSelect.cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 22

 2) LR_wbSelectNew = wbshtSelect.cells(LR_wbSelect, "A").End(xlUp).Row


I am using the last row in column "A" as the data from row 29 down will always be the same length, the rows used in column "B" from row 29 can be a varying number of rows.


So I am trying to use LR_wbSelect in column "A" to get my starting last Row, then within LR_wbSelectNew using it as the starting point to look up from.


This works when the column I set to "A", LR_wbSelectNew gives me the row of "17", but when I change the column in LR_wbSelectNew to "B" it doesn't give the correct last row of "18".


I can change the column to "C, D, E, F" and the code works fine, but the only column that I can use is "B" because it will always have data in it, where the rest of that row could have a blank cell.


After doing some testing on the sheet, by pressing CRTL & Up from the lastring point of LR_wbSelect column "B" ignores the data in the rows and go to the row where it find data. I can't see a reason why Excel doesn't think there is data in these cells?



There are mulitple results and methods when searching for the LastRow (in Column B).

使用Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row时,您将在B列中获得最后一行数据(它会忽略带有空格的行,并一直向下移动).

When using Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row you will get the last row with data in Column B (it ignores rows with spaces, and goes all the way down).


 With wbshtSelect.Range("B10").CurrentRegion
     LR_wbSelectNew = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
 End With


You are searching for the last row with data in Column B of the CurrentRegion, that starts from cell B10, untill the first line without data (it stops on the first row with empty row).


Sub GetLastRow()

Dim wbshtSelect         As Worksheet
Dim LR_wbSelectNew      As Long

' modify "Sheet2" to your sheet's name
Set wbshtSelect = Sheets("Sheet2")

' find last row with data in Column B
With wbshtSelect
    LR_wbSelectNew = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
End With
' for debug only
Debug.Print LR_wbSelectNew ' >>result 31

' find last row with data in Column B at current regioun starting at cell B10
With wbshtSelect.Range("B10").CurrentRegion
    LR_wbSelectNew = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
End With
' for debug only
Debug.Print LR_wbSelectNew ' >> result 18

End Sub

Edit1 :代码搜索包含值的单元格的最后一行(它会忽略内部包含公式的空白单元格.)

Edit1: code searches for last row for cells with values (it ignores blank cells with formulas inside).

Sub GetLastRow()

Dim wbshtSelect         As Worksheet
Dim LR_wbSelectNew      As Long

' modify "Sheet2" to your sheet's name
Set wbshtSelect = Sheets("Sheet2")

' find last row with data in Column B at current regioun starting at cell B10
With wbshtSelect.Range("B10").CurrentRegion
    LR_wbSelectNew = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
End With

Dim Rng         As Range
Set Rng = wbshtSelect.Range("B10:B" & LR_wbSelectNew)

' find last row inside the range, ignore values inside formulas
LR_wbSelectNew = Rng.Find(What:="*", _
                    After:=Range("B10"), _
                    LookAt:=xlPart, _
                    LookIn:=xlValues, _
                    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                    SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _

' for debug
Debug.Print LR_wbSelectNew  ' << result 18 (with formulas in the range)

End Sub


08-12 12:02